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So I have decided that it is time I came up with a schedule for writing my stories.

Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays with bonuses on Saturdays (when/if I have time)

Take Me Home--Adopted by PTX:
Tuesdays. I'm sorry I can only update once a week, but I am very busy and Tuesdays are the only days I don't have camp and I can sit down to write. If there is a conflict or something I may not be able to post at all and I will let you all know. I can say that there will not be any bonuses with this story. Sorry bubblesking2468. 😭

Story of My Life:
As often as I can. Sometimes I just have random things to say and I will update it. I will try my hardest to do daily updates, but that probably won't happen.

Unfortunately there is this thing I have called school coming up in a few weeks for me (three, to be exact) and that may alter how often I update Take Me Home. I really enjoy writing it, but during the school year I am already spending hours at my computer typing things for school. When school starts for me I will probably change the updating days to a weekend, and I may make it every other week rather than every week.

Tanks guys!! 😊🐠🐳

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