Field Trip Stereotypes

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~On the Bus~

The Talker: Talks. The whole ride. Whether someone's listening or not, they are always talking. The only time they are quiet is at rail road stops.

The Napper: Sleeps the whole ride. Despite the amount of noise surrounding them, they are able to soundly and confortably nap the whole time.
*Can usually be found in window seats*

The Listener: Listens to music the whole ride. They will most likely have ear buds in, meaning that they do not want to be talked to.
*Is best paired with Napper*

The Texter: Spends the ride with their face in a phone or other electronic device. Pretty self-explanatory.
*Can be paired with any others*

The Reader: Reads the whole ride. Is usually first to complain  when destination is reached.
*Best paired with Napper or Listener*

The Multitasker: Will be found doing anything and everything all at once. Listening to music, holding a conversation, reading, or texting, the Multitasker will be doing it all. (This is me)
*Activities change depending on who they are paired with*

The Daydreamer: Spends the ride thinking about who knows what. A Daydreamer can be seated with anyone because they will not be listening. They will be in their own little world. 

~At Event~

The Dwadler: Always gets lost and left behind. Spends most of the time catching up to the group.

The Leader: Decides where the group as a whole should go. No matter if you agree or not you're going, because they are the leader, after all.

The Party-er: Is always having fun. ALWAYS. You could be at a court house and they'd still be having a great time.

The Worrier: Worrys. About EVERYTHING. "Are you sure we're allowed to do that?" "I think we should start catching up to everyone else." "Don't we have to ask to go? We should ask to go." "Is that safe?" "I really don't want to get in trouble."

The Daredevil-er: Does anything and everything, no matter if it's against the rules. Is not afraid of getting in trouble.
*Is not compatible with a Worrier*

The Photographer: Takes pictures of everything so you can't possibly forget all of the FUN you had.

The Texter: Is always texting their parents.

The Complainer: Complains. The whole time.
*NOTE: complainers usually are Talkers on the bus*

The Has-Fun-For-The-First-Hour-er: The name tells all. This person usually has a lot of fun for the first hour or few hours, but then gets bored really quickly. This is me.
*Usually turns into a Complainer*

The Strong Independent-er: Usually breaks off from the group and finds their own fun. This trait is usually found also in a dwadler.

And lastly...

The "I Don't Care"-ers (I deserve an award for all of these made up words: These group members simply...don't care. They are on their electronics the whole time, tuning everyone out. They make it very apparent that the do NOT want to be there and they'd leave if they could. Don't mess with them.
*They are usually in a really bad mood so don't bother them*

Which one are YOU?

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