After school torture

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So I got to after school care, and honestly it's almost as bad as my summer camp (of you remember THOSE days *sigh)

Basically, my after school care is little ratchet elementary school girls who I am older than by many years that scream and argue and act like they're 13 when they're really like 6.

We're doing this stupid thing called positive circle where we go around and talk about our days at school. These girls are so inappropriate it's not even funny.

Coach: What happened today _____?

Girl: I told a funny Yo Mama joke.

Coach: What was it?

Girl: *giggles* *snorts* Yo mama so fat she broke the pole at the strip club!

Coach: *shakes head*

Other little girls: *dies laughing*

Me: *sighs heavily*

Moral of the story: I hate kids.

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