After an hour of typing and another four of Wattpad being rude, I finally was able to publish Chapter 9 of Take Me Home, dedicated to bubblesking2468 and all of the other people who had to put up with me never updating.

The Story of My Life
De TodoHi I'm Jk, your average teenage girl. HAHA JK! (Get it? Cause ny nickname is--oh nevermind bear with me I'm awkward) I'm so socially awkward it physically pains me at times to talk to people. I'm the listens-to-music-all-the-time-talks-to-herself-to...
After an hour of typing and another four of Wattpad being rude, I finally was able to publish Chapter 9 of Take Me Home, dedicated to bubblesking2468 and all of the other people who had to put up with me never updating.