Chapter 2 - Ninja Academy!

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This is a flashback.

"[y/n], wake up".

No answer.

"[y/n]! Come on, get up!"

No answer.

The small girl was playfully shoved off the bed, landing on her butt, she winced. "Hey! What was that for?!", She pointed accusingly at Kakashi.

Kakashi laughed, "Well it's not my fault you decided not to wake up on your first day of School." He replied.

She lept up from her bed. "Shit! Why didn't you remind me?!" She said as she quickly rushed into the ensuite to brush her teeth.

"Hey, that's not the kind of language I expect a 6 year old to use!" He shouted over to her. "You won't make any friends."

She scowled, "I'm perfectly capable of making friends!" Kakashi grinned at the adorable 6 year old in front of him. She had her hands held to her hips and wore a sour expression on her round face. She looked arrogant but cute.

"Sure you are" He said sarcastically. "Anyway, get dressed and then come downstairs for breakfast." He asked as he walked out of the door.

[y/n]quickly got dressed into a [s/f/c] non sleeved top and leggings that came just above the knees. Over that she wore a [f/c] skirt and a loose purple non sleeved top that still revealed the blue top underneath. She slipped on her blue/black ninja style sandals and put on her necklace which said "love" in Japanese and her black arm accessories.

She then started to comb her hair and styled it into two high pony tails however she left some of the strands out.

She looked at herself in the mirror one last time. Her [e/c] eyes glowing in excitement and her light [h/c] hair framing her face perfectly. Giving a nod of confirmation , she left her room and into the kitchen she went, where Kakashi was waiting with her breakfast.

She ate as quick as possible, thanked him, grabbed her bag and left for school. Luckily Kakashi had given her a tour of Konoha when she had come, so she knew where she was going. However she hadn't made any friends yet, so this was all new to her.

She was immersed in her own thoughts as she trudged to her new school. Thinking about everything that had happened, it had happened to quickly and she was still shocked by the scenario she somehow managed to be in.

Still upset about what had happened, though things were getting better, she realised that she would have to move on. She couldn't be upset forever, she had goals to achieve and nothing was going to get in the way of that. Today was only one step forward in her goals. The first step forward.

Before she knew it a big building stood in front of her. She blinked a couple of times. The entrance of Konoha's school was about 10 metres infront of her. To the sides of the pathway leading up to the entrance were big cherry blossom trees in perfect straight rows. To sum it up, it was beautiful.

The small girl felt slightly intimidated by the sheer monstrosity of this school. But that was to be expected. This School was the best of the best. In fact Konoha's school was so vast that it had something no other school had. It was more like a village.

When you would first walk in you would notice that this "School" as they called it, was in fact a residence organised into a huge rectangular shape.

The front would of course be the entrance, but also the offices. They needed a lot of offices.

To the left you would find the primary school and next to it their dorms, because of course the prestigious school would always have fancy people coming from far away to attend.

On the right side you would find the secondary school, or the high school and its separate dorms.

Along the back there would be the dojos and swimming pools and places to train. It was made evident that this was a school for ninjas, and ninjas needed a lot of education and practical/ useful skills.

In the middle of the four main areas was a huge expanse of land where most people would spend their break and lunch at. It had an uncountable amount of cherry blossom trees in it and also one big lake just for show. This however wasn't the only place people loved to hang out. Another popular spot was the rooftops. This should have been claimed dangerous but the teachers were carefree and didn't mind at all.

Outside the entrance of Konoha Academy stood a smart looking lady that went by the name of Miss Shizune or Deputy Head Shizune, it didn't matter. When she had spotted [y/n] she ushered her over and gave her a very long tour of the place.

Finally they had made it to her own class labelled Iruka Umino. That, she presumed, was her Teachers name. Before walking inside Shizune handed over her timetable.

As Shizune pushed open the door (Without knocking) She walked in with [y/n] trailing behind...

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!

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