Chapter 3- Introductions

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[y/n]'s P.O.V

"Iruka, this is your new student. Take good care of her", Shizune said in a professional way and twirled around to leave. On the way out she smiled and nodded at me. I smiled back before turning towards my teacher.

"Hi, my name is Iruka Umino, but you can just call me Iruka-Sensei." The man spoke. I nodded.

"Would you like to introduce yourself to the class?" He added. I nodded once again and turned towards the class.

Only now did I notice all the curious eyes on me and it made me nervous. "Um, hi...My Name is [y-y/n] [s/n]." I stuttered out quietly. I mentally scolded myself for being so shy. So much for first impressions.

"Ok [y/n]..." Iruka-Sensei studied the layout of the classroom for a second.

"Go sit next to Sasuke over there." He pointed to a boy with very pale skin and spiky hair that resembled a ducks butt. I nodded and walked over there and took a seat.

I looked at him for a few seconds, I couldn't see his face because it was turned to the window so I gave up. Instead I turned around to the person sitting on the other side of me and blinked twice.

Turns out this guy was already staring at me as if judging me, his eyebrows furrowed as if in deep thought. He had bright blond hair and sparkling blue eyes, his skin was tanned a bit as well. When he saw that I was looking at him he flashed a huge grin my way.

"Hi [y/n]-Chan , the name's Naruto Uzumaki! Believe it!" the blond spoke very loudly up my ear. I winced but smiled anyway.

"Uh, hi-"

"Shut up Baka." Sasuke finally spoke. I turned to him and said hi but he just looked at me and then looked away. What is this guy's problem!

Now that I got a look at his face properly I could see that he was quite handsome, even though he was six years old.

I heard whispering behind me and turned my head back to see a girl with pink hair and brilliant green eyes. The girl she was talking to had platinum blond hair and blue eyes, not as vibrant as naruto's though. They both were really pretty.

When they had noticed me looking up at them they smiled.

"Hi, My name is Sakura Haruno. Its nice to meet you." The pink haired girl said politely.

"And I'm Ino Yamanaka." The blond one said kindly. I nodded and turned back around.


"Yes its finally lunch!" I cheered. Naruto agreed to introduce me to all his friends and I was exited to meet new people. I walked out of the classroom and headed in the direction of the lunch hall.

Once I got inside I was surprised to find people in all directions throwing food everywhere. Some were ducking under the tables, diving for cover, others using people as human shields, Laughing and generally messing around. It was chaos. However the tables around the sides of the hall were untouched. People watching with amused expressions sitting peacefully eating their lunches as if this was the most normal thing in the world.

I walked a few steps in and immediately narrowly escaped getting hit. I yelped, ducking for the second time, as somebody's dinner flew past me again.

I wasn't going to take anymore chances. I scanned the room for any sign of Blond hair and Blue eyes. My eyes landed on a figure flinging pasta at some random guy, and I quickly dashed towards him.

"Oh hi, [y/n]-chan!" Naruto yelled joyfully. Despite his loud greeting I could barely hear him over all the battle cries in the room.

"Hi Naruto. Uh what's go-" I was abruptly jerked forward.

"Hah! Sasuke, you wouldn't hurt [y/n] would you?" Naruto said. I soon realised what was happening. Naruto was using me as a human shield!

Sasuke glared at Naruto. Waited as if contemplating what to do. Then he shrugged carelessly and threw anyway. Sasuke! You jerk!

Just as it was about to hit me, I ducked. The strong grip that was holding me in place was removed. I turned around and laughed. Naruto had a face full of pie and was sulking. "Good! That's what you get for using me as your human shield!" I huffed. Naruto just pouted.

"So are you going to introduce me to your friends or what?"

"Oh, yeah. Ok then! Lets go!" His frown was quickly replaced by a huge grin.

Naruto navigated us through the food fight, stopping every once and a while to introduce someone.

The bell rang for the next lesson just as we had finished with the introductions. Naruto hurried away along with a lot of others to get themselves cleaned up.

That was the day it all began...

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!

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