Chapter 12- Lets do Something Fun- Part 2

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[y/n]'s P.O.V

Me and Sasuke were walking side by side on the way to the centre of the Village.

"So what do you have planned then?", Sasuke softly asked. I looked towards him, slightly shocked that he spoke to me first, usually I have to speak in order for him to talk to me.

"Uh, nothing really. I just thought that we should walk around until we find something to do. We do need to buy some more groceries though...", I trailed off, not really knowing what else to say.

"Hn. Ok then, lets just go to that café over there", came Sasuke's reply, pointing to a small café with tables and chairs on the outside.

"Ok!", I said since I had nothing better planned. I was about to take a seat on one of the chairs when Sasuke stopped me.

"Whats wrong?", I questioned curiously. He simply said:

"We need to sit inside"

"Why is that?"


"Fair enough" I got up and walked through the entrance with Sasuke slightly behind me. We sat down at one of the empty tables opposite eachother. We only had to wait a short while when a girl which I assumed was an employee walked up to us.

"What can I get you two?", she asked sweetly, however when she turned to me she scowled, it made her look even more ugly than she was in the first place.

"Black coffee." Is all Sasuke said as he looked away and out the window, uninterested in the girl.

"And I would like [f/h/d](favourite hot drink) and [f/d](favourite dessert), please.", I gave her a sweet, but fake, smile as I said this. She nodded and walked away still scowling.

That is when Sasuke looked away from the window and back at me.

"God Fangirls are so annoying, how do you cope with them Sasuke?", Sasuke displayed a small smirk, which was not often shown and suddenly I felt quite privileged to have been the cause of it.

"I agree, they are annoying, but I just ignore them.", he grimaced as he spoke, as if in actual pain.

"She was glaring at me the whole time, I won't be surprised if she poisons my drink to get me out of the picture!", I explain angrily.

"You jealous?", at his words I completely stop and blush slightly. He just gives me that sexy smirk again. Wait, what! I did not mean sexy, I meant annoying! Yeah.... I snap out of it as he continues...

"Don't worry about it, she's probably just annoyed by the fact that i'm friends with you." Wait, did I hear that correctly?! Friends? Me?

"Friends?", I voice my thoughts. To this Sasuke begins to blush. Something I thought i'd never see and i'm left speechless. Who would have thought that the almighty Sasuke could look soo cute when blushing?!

"U-uh y-yeah, we're f-friends... aren't we?" He looks at me, still a blushing mess but with also a sense of pleading in his eyes. I of course can't say no to this so I say:

"Yeah, of course your my friend", and give him a big closed eye smile. When I open my eyes Sasuke is still blushing a little which causes me to blush at how cute he looks. We spend a few moments looking at eachothers red faces before we are interrupted by the waiter who is carrying our orders.

"Thankyou" I simply say, as we both start drinking our drinks. Thank god the waiter came when she did otherwise it would be quite awkward right now. Luckily we both had controlled our blushing faces and are now talking normally.

Sasuke's P.O.V

"Are you jealous?" I ask her. To this she start blushing, I smirk at her reaction. She looks cute when she blushed. I quickly shoo the thought out of my head. Now she looks awkward so to lighten the mood I continue with:

"don't worry, she's probably just annoyed at the fact that i'm your friend", as I say that she looks up at me with shock.

"Friends?", to this I begin to blush and look away from her. Then I look her in the eyes and say:

"U-uh, u-yeah, we're f-friends aren't we?", damn I stuttered too much, and I can't seem to control my blush. I don't think I have blushed before. Whats happening to me. I look towards [y/n] to see her blushing too. Suddenly, she gives my a big smile and says,

"Yeah, of course your my friend", the blush which I tried so hard to suppress came back twice as bright as I took in her words. Her face looked so beautiful and her smile was so radiant and sincere that I couldn't look away in awe. I had a strange feeling in my stomach. What is this feeling?! What does it mean?! Why now and why with her?!

We both are quiet for some time and i'm trying to find something to say when suddenly that annoying fangirl waiter comes back with our orders. That luckily takes the awkwardness away and we begin to talk again like normal.

I'm glad that we are friends now but that also means that she will expect me to act like it too, meaning I will have to talk a lot more often and not leave her alone all the time anymore.

Going out was a good Idea, maybe we should do it again sometime.

Yay! Three updates in one day. Hopefully that's enough for you guys to forgive me from delaying the updates for so long.

Thanks for reading!

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