Chapter 7 - A good day!

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You woke up for school that morning and saying you were nervous was an understatement. You sent Kakashi a worried glance as you walked through the tall, intimidating gates of the school. He had walked to school with you this morning since you were panicking about going back.

"Kakashi! Your late!" Iruka-Sensei shouted from the side.

"Uh, sorry. We saw a black cat and had to take the long route to school, right [y/n]." Kakashi said looking towards you.

Iruka looked at you and raised his eyebrow. You nodded unconvincingly. Of course that wasn't true but you couldn't say yes, especially when Kakashi was late because of you.

Iruka brushed you off and told Kakashi to follow him to the meeting he was late for.

Now on your own, you began to worry as you walked towards the building though nobody had said anything probably meaning your little 'incident' didn't leave the borders of the training group.

You sighed in relief at that thought but then your mood dropped again as you realised that most of your homeroom consisted of the very people.

It was too late now anyway because you had just walked in without another thought and immediately noticed almost everyone of them staring at you. Even Sasuke, who didn't usually pay any attention to anything but the window, was sitting there intensely staring into your soul.

You coughed awkwardly and dropped your head down, all of a sudden finding your ordinary black shoes quite intriguing.

As you walked to the back of the room where you sat you could feel their stares burning holes in your back as you walked past all of them and took your place next to a shy Hinata.

'What if she hates me? What if she is scared of me?'

I looked over to my best friend and found that she was already watching me. When she saw that I caught her staring she quickly looked away and began to fiddle with her fingers, going red in the face.

"Hey, Hinata?"

"U-um, [y-y/n]... are you o-okay?" I looked at her in surprise. I was really expecting her to be angry or something.

"W-when I saw y-you like t-that, I was s-so scared. Y-you weren't even the same p-person anymore."I smiled and hugged her tightly, surprising her.

"Sorry for worrying you Hina but I'm fine." My mood became serious.

"Hows Sakura?" Hinata noticed my guilt ridden face and tried to comfort me.

"She is fine, s-still some scratches and bruises, she is stronger than you think so don't w-worry."


Homeroom was finally over and Naruto came to walk with me to Art.

"Soooooooooo, [y/n] how are you?" Naruto said trying to form a conversation.

"Listen, I'm really sorry for hurting Sakura, I know how you must have felt"

"Yeah... but what Sakura said wasn't ok so it was her fault too."

"Thanks Naruto"

He walked away as we entered the classroom so that he could go to his place next to Sasuke who was already there.

I took my seat next to Sai, curious about the sketchbook on the table in front of him. He turned to me as I sat.

"[y/n], right?"

"Yeah, I do believe we have met."

"Sorry, I'm not good with people."

"It's ok. What are you drawing?" He quickly hid the sketchbook under the table. I tilted my head to the side, questioning his behaviour.

"Oh, you don't have to show me if you don't want, I was just curious that's all." I then got my own sketchbook out and started adding more depth into the unfinished work.

"Hey, can I see y-"

"No! I mean, not yet... its not complete!" Sai just laughed.

"Hey, if you want to see it so bad then show me yours first."

"I didn't say I was desperate to see it but ok. If you want to see mine so desperately then I will show you as long as you show me yours."

"Ok!" You both swapped books and you were in awe at what you were seeing. Sai was such a good artist and honestly you didn't expect it. His art was a contrast of yours. You drew because people told you you were good at it. You were pretty creative but there was a clear difference between yours and his. He put his feeling into it, making up for his lack of it in day to day life. You could clearly see how he was feeling but at the same time, the picture was like a puzzle and it was hard to work out what it was really about. Even in paper it was hard to figure him out and it intrigued you.

His reaction was much more subtle to yours, however inside he was shocked. He had never seen someone draw like this. Overall you were great. He could see that you were not the best but the way in which it was created. It was certainly unusual. Combinations he had never even thought of putting together. The style he noticed was your own. He had never seen something work so well with another, he could never imagine it working, yet it did, and he couldn't deny that it couldn't look any more perfect. For the rest of the lesson you talked with him about your passion for art.

The day went quickly and before long you were getting ready to go home.


"Ino? What do you want?" You didn't hate her, not as much as Sakura anyway, but you weren't her friend either. You were wary of the fact that she was a fangirl and that alone made her someone you didn't really like to much. Fangirls were troublesome.

She slowed to a stop as she came closer.

"I- I want to apologise about Sakura's behaviour. It was wrong of her to say that to you. I would never have let her do that if I knew the truth. I'm sorry."

"Ino, its not your fault, you did nothing wrong! Besides, I did beat the crap out of her, I should be apologising too. Where is she by the way? I never saw her today."

"She's at home. I told her to come and apologise but she wouldn't. Probably depressed about Sasuke, he was one of the only ones that didn't turn up to see her yesterday in the hospital."

"Was her injuries bad?"

"Hell yeah! They haven't all healed yet either. Probably another reason for her staying home. She doesn't want to go in looking like a piece of shit, does she? Not in front of Sasuke. Too bad her parents are forcing her to go to school tomorrow." Ino laughed.

"You find this funny?" I said raising an eyebrow.

She looked down at her shoes.

"We had a little argument. Apparently she thinks its your fault for attacking her rather than her own."

"Oh" When I didn't continue she asked nervously.

"[y/n], Can we be friends. I know I haven't really liked you because of your rivalry with Sasuke but I'm over him now. I have someone else I like. We don't need to argue anymore and I want to get to know you better." She trailed off towards the end, thinking I won't accept her.

Instead, I hugged her tightly and said.

"Sure! I would love to get to know you better too!" She smiled happily and hugged me back.

"Hey, wanna go for ice-cream?! Its on me!"

"Yeah, sure!"

As we walked together happily I grinned and said.

"SOOO~ Sai, huh?" She spluttered nervously.



"[Y/N]! I'm going home then!" She huffed.

"Sure, whatever~" I saluted her, walking ahead.

"W-Wait, I want ice-cream!"

"HAHAHA!" I took off quickly. Ino running behind me desperately trying to catch up.

Today was a good day indeed.

Thanks for reading!

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