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Dear Aqua this should be your 2-3 day. You will be going to the ice mountains. You need to bring everything in the bag except the sea shells DO. NOT. BRING. THE. SEA .SHELLS. you need to bring the ray of sunshine's. I don't know if the troll told you who I am but you need to continue the mission. I know you think (if the troll didn't tell you ) I'm dead or captured...I'm alive. I'm at the end of the map please find me I love you. I hope you have the lions jacket it will protect you but wear you other jacket. Now...don't bring the unicorn or Angel with you. I packed three more cold outfits in your closet near the back the seer told me they would come with you. I miss you I know you have a lot of questions. But have faith my little rainbow fish. Also the map is in the dresser behind the mirror. Bring the yellow heat potion. I don't know if you used your lavender potion bring that. It makes a monster confused for about a minute. I miss you can't wait to see you. Good luck.

I didn't sleep well last night. When I did sleep I would have dreams of being attacked by the lion or sea serpents. The sea serpents we asleep in a water tank in there mini monster form. I also could stop thinking and dreaming about my dad. Why hadn't he come for me all these years? Was he happier without me? Did he just need me to do a job for him then would I have to leave? I got out of bed I was wearing a coral top with coral pants with little blue coral on them. I got out of bed walked along in the ship I stopped in front of a bedroom door. I was contemplating if I should knock or not. I lifted my hand and the door opened. Hunter was standing there with dark blue pajama pants with little trident symbols on them.

"Oh I was just about to knock. What are you doing up so late?"

"I was going to grab a glass of milk want one?"

"Sure." We started walking

"Why can't you sleep?"

I wasn't about to tell him about what was in the journal. "My dad."

"Yeah the whole troll bridge thing."

"You got it. And you?"

He poured two glasses of milk. "You,the fight, this whole guest,but mainly...the fact I wasn't able to protect you."

I looked at him in the eye. "That's so sweet but I can somewhat handle things myself."

We walked back to his room. I sat on his bed. We started talking and such. I placed my empty milk glass on the night stand.

"Why did you come here tonight?"

"I...don't know it's just...well I wanted to be with you. I know how cheesy that sounds."

"That's sweet."

I yawned. Then he yawned. Then I did. Then he did till finally we were able to stop.

"Well I should be getting to bed."

"Couldn't you...sleep here. I have no intentions of doing anything of course." He added that last part really quick.


I laid on the right side of the bed. He laid on the left. He was on his right side I was on my right side. We were so close. Then I bribed the gap between us. He put his arm around me. I closed my eyes. I listened to the sound of his breath getting slower then I finally went to sleep. Best sleep ever. We woke up in the same position at 10 in the morning.

"Hello people this is Hale we have reached our destination please get suited up for the cold weather."

"Good morning."

"Good morning.  ...Do you know how I'm supposed to sneak out of here I don't want our friends thinking know."

"Well I could roll you up in the sheets and pretend I'm bringing them to cleaning."

Aquamarine (completed)Where stories live. Discover now