Sonic Adventure 2 Dream part 3

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Okay this is the extended version of what had been in the other journal... Hope you like it.

I was busy explaining to my cousins about the Sonic in Jail news. I trusted them to not tell anyone about the amber orb that tells everything about our friends and what they are doing now... I felt sort of scared that I had told them though. What if they ratted me out? What if dad takes away the orb? That would be horrible. I would never know about the trouble that my friends were in. At least dream wise.

I looked in the orb again. I thought to myself, what was happening to Jak and Daxter in their world? Are they going to be alright? They seemed rather angry. I slept that night after playing with my cousins until 9:00pm.

I dreamt about Jak and Daxter and a guy that I didn't really know too much about. The guy that calls himself Torn was telling Jak and Daxter to do a big mission. Help and rescue the allies that were captured and put in jail. The bad guy, Baron Praxis even put his own daughter Ashelyn at risk. I was scared and had to wake up because the radio which was on Radio Disney was on too loud.  I turned it down.

I woke up and snuck a look to my amber orb. It showed that Sonic was once again free and he had a chance to reach the president who was visiting the city at the time. Tails, Sonic, and company came to the house after I had gotten ready for school. Tails had told me that the whole lot of them reached the president but I forgot for what reason.

I then went to school but then my father said that I didn't have to go to school today if I didn't want to. It was one of those days. The car must've stopped working or... the fact that it was just a day that my parents wanted me home. They missed me dearly. Though I couldn't just leave the Sonic characters at this crazy home could I?

The next day, I heard that we were going to visit California.  That was a place that I have never been nor have I been there in the waking life.  I was excited regardless because I know that Disney Land is there.  In fact that is the reason why we were going.  The Sonic characters had been there, why can't I?  I saw that Jak and Daxter had been looking a little better but then I knew that they still had work to do.  They told me that they had plenty of work to do but will check on us later.

When we went to California during the weekends since I had vacation off for a few days, I saw that the bridge was even more beautiful and bigger than I thought.

I saw Knuckles in the orb trying to find the pieces of the master emerald which can null the powers of the chaos emeralds.  He didn't have time to waste and neither did the other Sonic characters.  The odder thing is that Eggman had appeared on the news on tv scaring the daylights out of me. 

"What the heck does he want?" I said quietly.  The next thing I knew was the moon had broke into half a moon.  I was freaked out.  Turns out he wanted the president to surrender the right to lead or the whole country will be destroyed.

I was horrified at the news.  Sonic, Amy, Tails, and Knuckles tried to figure out a way to save the country but turns out, they were in trouble themselves.  They ran for it.

I wanted to help out but unfortunately I couldn't.  If my parents found out what I could do and that I helped, crap would probably hit the fan.

Well I'll see you soon.

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