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"I feel like my attitude is rubbing off on you."

"Nah... It's a little bit of both of us rubbing off of each other's attitudes."

"Well... I think that's right."

"Of course it is. It's coming from me."

"So much for being humble."

"Whatever, James."

"I'm surprised you remember my name."

"I'm surprised I'm still here."



"So, sassy Hadley..."


"You wanna be the Harper to my Lee?"

"Stop with the horrible pick up lines."

"I was just kidding."

"Mhm.. Sure...."

"I was! Why would I be trying to ask you out on a date?"

"Why not? I'm as pretty as frick, dude."

"Did you just call me dude?"


"Whatever. Can we get to know each other?"

"U-huh. Yeah, sure."




"Yeah, so... three smoothies, fries, 20 nuggets, and a burger. Cool."

"Oh, come on!"

"So... What were you saying?"

"You want to go out and eat some pizza later?"

"Hm... You sure you're trying not to pick me up with those horrible pick up lines?"


"Another time, sure, but I'm busy tonight."

"Oh... okay. Sometime soon, then."

"Cool. Now, shoo! I have people to attend to."

The French Fry GuyWhere stories live. Discover now