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"Well, the lady finally came, eh?"

"Shut up, I had to walk home."

"Oh.. you could have told me so that I can take you home and wait outside."

"Eh, I didn't want you to."

"I wanted to. It's my day off."

"Why are you being so nice to me all of a sudden?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to go out and hang with you."

"Really? What?"

"I want to go out and be friends who hang out together."

*eyes widen* "Oh... really?"



"I want to be your friend, doll."

"And friends do that?"

"I take it you don't have that many friends."

"I do, we just don't do this."

"Hm... Well, let's go!"


"I have plans."



"The park?"

"Yes, what's wrong with that?"

"I don't know. I just haven't been to one in a long time."



"Well, there's a pizza place nearby. I didn't bring food, and I'd figured you're hungry."

"Are you just doing this so that you can have more food?"

"Nah, I ate McDonald's."

"That doesn't mean you're still not hungry."

"Fine, I'm still a bit hungry. Happy?"


*molto in Italian means very*


"Well, I'll be damned. This is one of the best pizza's I've ever had."


"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For letting me eat like a pig."

"I really don't mind. I usually fold my pizza like that and just get sauce everywhere."

"Haha, at least you don't drop it on your pants."

"I actually... Never mind."

"No way."

"Yes way."

"Jeez, you sound like a girl."

"Then, like you?"

"Nah, I think I sound manlier than that."

"Brag much?"


"Stop speaking different languages. I don't understand."

"Too bad, I like speaking in different languages. It's kawaii."

"You done?"


"Take your time, we still have a lot of time."


"So... What are we doing next?"

"We're going back to the park."



"What are we going to do?"

"Sit and sky gaze."

"That's awfully peaceful. I didn't know a guy like you star gazed."

"Well now you know." *winks*

"Stop being so..."



"Oh shut up, you know you like it."

"Ew... that sounds wrong. Now you're turning into an old man again."

"Love you, friend!"

"Why did I agree to go out with a five year old?"

"Because I'm sooo charming and cute and handsome and awesome."

"Gee, brag much?"

"Only with you, doll. Only with you."


"I know. But can we like sit down now? I set up a blanket and water for us, don't ya think it's nice?"

"Yeah... it is."

"So lets begin."

"The beguine."

*looks at her with scrunched eyebrows*

"Ella Fitzgerald, idiot."


*looking at Hadley*

"It's so pretty, isn't it?"


*turns to face him*
"You're not even looking at the sky!"

"No... I'm looking at something way prettier."

*looks down*
"What is it?"

"It's. .."
*shakes head*
"Never mind."

"Uhm... okay."

"Can we do this more often?"

"Depends on what you mean as more often."

"Maybe go out every other week?"

"Are you trying to go out on a date with me every other week?"

"No, just hang out..."

"Hm... What about once a month?"

"Hm... yes?"

"Okay... Well... It's getting a bit late."


"And the sky looks so beautiful."

"It does, doesn't it."

"And I don't want to go home, yet."

"Me neither..."

"You want to stay a little longer?"

"That would be nice."

"Then it do lets."

*chuckles* "What does that mean?"

"Then lets do it is reversed, idiot."


"Thank you."

"Thank you, too."


"Because you came out to watch the stars and pizza with me. That's why."

"You could have done that with someone else."

"They're all busy, and I like hanging with you."


The French Fry GuyWhere stories live. Discover now