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[NOT EDITED. like always]

Third Person:

It was his second day in the hospital and Troye was just about ready to grab his baby, get his things and walk out. Laying in an uncomfortable hospital bed, talking horrible pain medicine and not being able to flaunt Finn to the outside world expect for the people in the hospital, he was going mad.

Not to mention that his family was still there and though he really did miss them, he didn't miss their arguing and whining over little things. His mother was an exception because moms were aloud to complain about everything even if their opinions are wrong, his family was driving him up the wall.

Connor, Tyler and Korey were pleasant distractions but like many people they had jobs to attend to. They visited during their lunch and breaks and Connor would manage to sneak in some phone calls or texts. But once they would leave or he'd wait for a text or call, Troye would go back to the reality that is his family and just try to go to sleep because what else would he do?

Currently Finn was having bottle and Troye was trying to ignore the petty argument Sage and Tyde were having about God knows what. Troye suspected that Tyde probably started it or that Sage was probably overreacting about something. Maybe it was a little of both. He wished his mother was there so she could at least tell them to shut up or leave the room, but she had Steele had gone to get lunch. They had been gone for a while and Troye was beginning to think they got lost. That or they just got a lot of food. Whatever the reason he just wished that they would return soon. He was starting to get hungry and he was just about done with his siblings.

There was a knock on his door and he let out a thankful sigh because Tyde and Sage's arguing had died down. One of the afternoon nurses, Lucy, opened the door and poked her head in. She smiled at Troye and cooed at Finn.

"You have a visitor. Do you want me to let them in?" Lucy asked. Troye nodded. He needed the distraction and suspected that it was either Korey or Tyler. Lucy smiled and opened the door all the way. Troye froze and felt the blood drain from his face when his "visitor" stepped into the room.

"Thank you," he said, his voice sending chills down Troye's spine. Joe smiled at Lucy who smiled back and closed the door. Troye was speechless, staring at the guy who had broken his heart who he didn't think he'd see ever again. Joe smiled softly at Troye and stuck his hands in his pockets as he walked closer to his bed. Troye wanted to slap the smile of his face but at the same time he also wanted to crawl in a corner and cry. Seeing the older boy brought emotions and memories Troye had once loved. He laughed at himself for thinking that he was done with his feelings for Joe. Right when he was finally feeling happy with Connor, a truck had to push him off a cliff. That truck being Joe and all the feelings he brought with him.

"Hey," he said, his eyes filled with so much emotion and even after all he had been through, Troye was having trouble containing his sympathy and controlling the way his heart beat wildly in his chest. Troye hated that Joe still had this much control over him.


"You have some nerve coming here you asshole," Sage seethed, her eyes filled with anger and Troye had forgotten they were still there. But he was thankful because he was still trying to get a grip on himself. Joe chuckled and hung his head.

"How are you Sage? Tyde?" He asked and that was enough for Sage to snap. A loud smack was heard through the room and it made Troye jump. Looking over to where Sage was waving her hand with a wince while Joe was covering his cheek and Tyde was laughing to himself. "I deserved that," Joe said as he looked over to Troye.

"Yeah well you deserve more you piece of shit-"

"Sage--it's okay. Let me talk to him." They all him in surprise and a flash of relief crossed Joe's face.

Unplanned Pregnancy :Tronnor mpreg✔️Where stories live. Discover now