Chapter Four

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"Where is it?!" I screamed turning my bag upside down. All of the items I usually have poured out except for one thing.

My phone.

I check the back of my pants pocket, sure that it was going to be in there, but no. Nothing. Where could I have put it?

All of the sudden my room door opened revealing my impatient mother.

"Aren't you suppose to be studying for that quiz, Ava? And what happened to your room?" She asked glancing at my messy floor. 

I wasn't going to tell her I had lost my phone, that's like digging my own grave. Instead, I just stood there trying to come up with an answer that didn't make me sound crazy.

"I, uh, was.. looking for my pen..ya know, to do my homework." I scratched my head swinging my hand in circles. 

"Oh Ok, well dinner's almost ready." She kept her eyes on me but then turned around towards my door. I stood there waiting for the sound of my door shutting. I quickly then started searching again.

I remember I took it with me this morning before leaving my house. It was with me all day in school so it couldn't be there.

So, if it wasn't here nor there, where could it be?

Then it hit me.

I left it at that stupid park. I glanced at my clock reading the red colored numbers. It was almost 8. There was no way my mom would let me out, especially on a school night.  I remember dropping it when I got hit with the ball.

Gosh how could I be so stupid? For all I know my phone is probably in someone's pocket by now.

I collapsed on my bed wanting to scream.  On the good side my phone was locked, the only person who knows my password was Lisa and I knew that she wouldn't tell anyone.

I heard my door creek making me pick my head up. It was Kian.

"What do you want?" I said irritated.

"Dinner's ready." His mouth opened then shut again like he was hesitating to say something.

"I lost my phone." I laughed at his worried expression. Kian was always an over protective brother, I found it more so amusing but yet sometimes embarrassing. Even though he was irresponsible I knew he'd always have my back. 

"I was afraid to ask why your room looked like this." He smiled kicking a few shirts out of his way to sit on my bed.

"Mom is going to kill me if I don't get it back." I sighed smashing my face in a pillow.

"Yeah you're pretty much dead meat."  He said. I punched his arm making him almost push me off the bed.

"Kian this is serious, what am I going to do?" I whined.

 He rubbed his chin tapping his feet on the floor.  I watched hopefully almost crossing my fingers. All of a sudden he made a loud gasp making me jump.

"What?" I sat up waiting desperately for his idea.

"I'll just call your phone."

"But what if the person doesn't pick up." I said a little disappointed.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there." He smiled.

He pulled out his phone and started calling my number.  I bit my bottom lip at every ring hoping someone would answer.

Within the fourth ring someone picked up. 

"Hello?" The voice answered.

"Yeah, hi-" That was all Kian could say before random sounds erupted through the phone.

"I told you not to touch it dumbass." We heard in the background before another voice picked up.

"Uh hello?" They answered again.

"Yeah, I'm calling about the phone that I'm talking to you on. My little sister accidently left it at the park." Kian said.

"Don't worry your phone is totally fine." The voice said.

'Yeah it's totally fine in your filthy hands.' I thought.

"Is there some way we can get it back?"

"Yeah, I think your sister actually goes to my school. I can give it to her then." The person answered. My heart stopped at the overwhelming sentence.  Is this who I think it is?

I then grabbed the phone out of Kian's hand, holding it to my ear.

"Who is this?" I asked as my palm started to sweat.

"The guy at the park..Dallas."

I swear I almost fainted.


Crazy right?!? Hope you enjoy this chapter!!!!!

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