Chapter Five

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The next day I anxiously waited in front of the school sidewalk. I kept a watchful eye on the parking lot, scoping out every student that just happened to be there. I was pretty nervous.

If Dallas actually shows up what will people say if they see us socializing. The good little innocent girl talking to the crazy bad yet quiet guy. My hands started to clam up.  What if they think I'm some drug addict trying to get my daily fix from the hot seller.

Maybe standing in front of the school wasn't such a great idea. Suddenly my thoughts were shortly stopped by Lisa and one of our close friends, Eli. I quickly straighten up trying to act my usual self. 

"Hey guys." I greeted.

"Hey Avery." Eli smiled. My eyes glanced towards Lisa. Her face reading a confused expression.

"Why are standing out here?" She asked, just like I knew she would.

I started playing with my fingers thinking of something to say. If you couldn't tell already, I was a horrible liar. I guess I just never did anything bad to lie about.

"I'm just, uh, admiring the beautiful weather." I smile expecting they would believe me. I felt a little embarrass as they both laughed.

"I find that very hard to believe since it's been foggy all morning." Lisa said with amusement.  I was about to say something when I felt a soft tap on my shoulder.

Oh God.

I slowly turned around, thinking I was going to meet those grey golden brown eyes again but to my surprise it was Kian.  A little confused I ask,

"What are you doing here?"  

"I just got a call from that Dallas kid."  'Well, great way to keep it a secret' I thought. I looked back meeting Lisa and Eli's gaze but then quickly grabbed Kian's arm pulling him away. I'll just have to deal with them later.

"So what's up? Is he coming?" I asked. He curled his lips, shrugging his broad shoulders.

"He called after you left the house this morning. Sorry, sis but he said he couldn't make it." 

 I felt like I was in one of those corny prank shows they show on Tv. I was just waiting for the cameras to pop out any minute now.  How insensitive can he be? I'm sure his day isn't that important for him to not return my phone. If it was possibly, you would actually see hot steam shooting out of my ears right now. My little school girl crush that I once had for him flew out the window.

"So what now?"  I sigh running my hands through my hair.

"Well, he also said since he couldn't make it. He'll give it to you tonight." Kian said trying to reassure me.


"In the park, where you guys meant before."  

The school bell rang cutting our conversation short.  I ran up the stairs catching up to Lisa and Eli again. I felt her strong stare burning a hole in the side of my face.

"So?" She said walking into the school hallway.

"So what?"

"So what's going on with you and that Dallas kid."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh don't play dumb with me ,Avery. How do you know him?" She questioned. I decided to just give up and tell her.

"I left my phone in the park yesterday and he just happen to have found it for me. That's all." I said taking out my English book.

"Wait, so you guys didn't have sex." Eli interrupted. We both looked at him wide eyed before bursting into laughter.


After school that day I decided to go to the library and catch up on some of my studying. I felt completely empty without my phone all day.

 I'd enter the peaceful room examining the old fashion décor. The dark glossy walls and the stained wooden floors really made this place feel like something more than a library. When I just want to shut the world off for a few I come here. Also it's a good place to seek out some eye candy. Lisa and I mostly like to gawk over one of the guys that volunteer here. He's probably like 30 years old, but who says it's bad to stare?

I open my book then quickly started to study with my headphones in. Since this is my last year of high school I want to start applying for college. The one I have in mind is Harvard. Honestly I don't think I'm that good enough to even be trying my luck with that school. But my parents seem to have a lot of faith in me. Which is kind of pressuring me to work even harder than I was before.

Sometimes I think they just use me for their own bragging rights. They did the same with Kian when he was in high school. Sadly, he dropped out of college his freshman year, I never ask him why though.

I checked the ticking clock on the wall, it was going on 8. I wondered why my mom didn't call me but then realized I didn't have my phone.  I grabbed my things and proceeded to walk out of the building. It was getting dark and I almost wish Kian had super powers, like reading minds or see into the future so he can come pick me up.

I walked along the concrete sidewalk holding my books to my chest. I wasn't really scared considering I go to this library almost everyday, I just never been out this late. Luckily there was a bit of light outside so I know where I'm going.

I'd seen a bus stop across the street so the lazy side of me decided to take it.  I sat awkwardly on the bench tapping my feet. An old elderly lady was with me so I didn't feel too much alone. In just a short amount of time the bus pulled up at it's stop.

I moved out the way so the elderly woman went up first. She walked pretty slow up the three small steps but I didn't mind. After paying the bus driver I sat by the window resting my head against the cold glass. My eyes studied the events that were going on outside. The trees swayed back and fourth as the trash on the ground picked up speed with the blowing wind. My eyes then stopped on a tall fit guy walking out of a building.

He kind of looks like....

"Dallas!" I suddenly yelled without thinking. Just when the bus started to move I quickly jumped out of my sit. No, I can't miss him!

"Excuse me sir but I think I got on the wrong bus, can you please stop here." I said to the driver. He gave me an astringent look before stopping the bus. I walked off the bus and made my way across the street. As I got closer my stomach started to turn. I wanted to go off on him about not giving me my phone but I didn't really know anything about him to see how he was going to react. I mean, for all I know he could be aggressive and plus I didn't have my pepper spray on me.

As I got closer to him I noticed the building he just came out of was, surprisingly, it was a therapy clinic. Almost instantly my whole demeanor changed.  

"Hey." I watched him turn around he looked pretty shocked.

"Oh hey." He said stuffing his hands in his pocket.

"What are you doing over here?" He continued.

"Have you forgot, you took my phone." I laughed.

"Yeah, right sorry about that." He then dove into his back pocket and pulled out my white IPhone.

"Thanks." I took it out of his hand, touching one of his fingers. God they felt soft.

"I'll see you around." He pulled his hood over his head and started walking the opposite direction. Clearly, he wasn't the talking type and my usual self would just walk the other way and go home but for some strange reason, I didn't.  I just stood there holding my books to my chest. Then out of nowhere I said,

"I don't really have a way to get home..I was just wondering if you can give me a lift." I had know idea what I was doing.

He turned around and gave me a stare that was impossible to read yet very alluring.

"Where to?"

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