Chapter Six

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I would have never thought in a million years that I would get into a stranger's car, especially one who seems quite dangerous, but something came over me, my heart pacing and my mind warning me not to do it suddenly gave me an extreme high on being something other than "perfect."

And I know you're probably saying, "Well Ava it's just a ride home." but it's something my normal self wouldn't dream of doing, and it kind of worried me.

We walked over to his car, which surprisingly wasn't a fancy Mustang or a BMW, it was just a regular old black pick up truck. 

He opened the passenger side door and started to throw some trash on the ground that was covering the warn down seat. A couple of chip bags and a few empty soda cans later the seat was finally cleared off.

I laughed a little at how messy his vehicle was, I guess he heard me because he gave me this fuddle look.

"There you go." He said after, gesturing his hand towards the seat.

"Thanks. " I hopped in and instantly the smell of cigarettes lingered my nose. God, what was I doing?

He jumped in right after, starting up his car.  I quickly put my seat belt on incase he decides to drive like a maniac.

Half of the car ride it was pretty awkward.  The only talking we did was me giving him directions.

I felt really weird and uncomfortable, not towards him but towards myself. I didn't know whether to give a quick glance at him or to just look out the window. My hands stood in one spot which was on my lap where my books were. 

'He probably thinks I'm so weird.' I thought to myself. 

As if this drive couldn't get any more awkward we had stopped at a red light. 

I played with my thumbs for a while before looking out the window again.  And then without thinking I said this,

"So does your radio work?"  I could feel his eyes on my face but I didn't turn my head from the window.

"No, but I kind of wish it did." He answered turning his face back to the road.

What was that suppose to mean?

The light turned green again, which I couldn't be more happier about.

"Just take a left turn here." I told him. A few more blocks and you'll be safe and sound, Ava.

For someone who seemed so impatient he was a pretty careful driver.

"You can just drop me off on the corner. " I said. I didn't want to hear my parents yelling at me for getting out of a car with some stranger,  especially if it's a boy.

"Scared?" He asked with a straight face which made me laugh.  Was it that obvious?

He came to a stop at the corner of my house but I didn't get out yet.

"Thanks for the ride." I said tapping a finger on my books.

"No problem, maybe next time if you need a ride I'll make sure to have my radio fixed."

I smiled like an idiot when he said that.

And then I did the unthinkable,  I looked at him. My heart skipped when I found his nicely colored eyes staring back at me.

"Maybe next time." I said getting out of the car. I felt like I was on cloud 9 but I guess I was too high up because before I could even recollect my thoughts I suddenly lost footing and tripped over the sidewalk.

Way to be irresistible, Ava.

I heard the driver side door open and saw Dallas standing by his car. I felt my face burn in embarrassment. It was probably red like a tomato. 

"You ok?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said wiping the dirt off my pants. It seems like I never fail to surprise myself.

I grabbed my books off the ground and prepared for my walk of shame.

"I guess I really did scoop you off your feet, huh.?"  I heard him say, the burn in my face grew stronger.

Ugh, I'm so pathetic.

I tried to hide the fact I was blushing and looked down at my books.

"Uh.. bye." I said walking towards my house.

"Bye." He said before getting back into his car.  I felt my stomach tighten and my hands were trembling so much I thought they were going to fall off my body.  It confused me as to why I was feeling this way.

I mean I don't even know him. Well, whatever the reason is I know it would never happen. We were two different people coming from two different backgrounds. And I don't have time for that dangerous lifestyle. 

But it never hurts to dream....

I walked up to my porch bracing myself for some yelling and screaming or maybe even cursing, trying to come up with any excuse. I took a deep breath and walked in.

"I'm home." I announced.

"We're in the kitchen, honey!" My mom called.

I strolled into the kitchen to find my Mom, Dad, and Kian huddled around the dinner table. Instead of actually having dinner my dad had a few papers in his hands.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Dad, got a new job." Kian spoke.

"Well not necessarily, I'm just someone they'll keep in mind. I still have to go in for another interview." Dad kept his eyes on the papers.

"Either way, we're hoping for the best." Mom said in a soft tone.

"Well what's wrong with the job you have?" I asked getting a coke from the fridge. My parents both looked at each other and then at Kian. There was something they weren't telling me.

"What's wrong?" I asked, concerned.

"I got laid off, sweetie."

"What, why? You're the best thing that's ever happen to that place. They can't just fire you like that."

"Actually, they can, Ava." Kian said butting in.

My dad worked as an accountant, 'The Best In The Business' as people use to say. He was great with numbers and respectful of clients. He was an accountant since I was 3 years old. It wasn't fair how hard and long he worked just to get thrown away like a piece of trash.

"That's not fair!"

"It's going to be fine, honey." He said pulling me into a hug. You can almost hear how sad he was.

"Just as long as you stay in school and get your acceptance letter to Harvard. You'll guarantee to strive and succeed, just like I did." He said.

"Yes honey, keep those grades up and you'll be fine." My mom laughed joining in.

I smiled but deep down inside I wanted to tell them or just give them a hint that maybe I didn't want to go to Harvard. That all there nagging and bragging was too much pressure on me. Or how I just wanted to be a teenager and do teenage stuff. But of course they would brush it off and tell me they know what's best for me.

But do they? Do they really know what's best for me?

I looked over at Kian and I could tell he knows. He's been in my shoes anyways.

I just want them to be proud of me and maybe I'm wrong. Maybe some parents do know what's best for there kids. I mean, they're just trying to look out for me, right?

"Ah, practice makes perfect, right honey?." My mom said pushing my hair behind my ear.

"Right mom." I smile again.

Still looking at Kian.


Here it is Chapter 6!!!!! I do deserve you guys any apology for my very very VERY  slow update. But I did have to take care of some personal stuff, which is all better now, so I should be back to updating weekends!!!

MUCH LOVE!!!! :) Leave your comments below, I would like to read what you guys think! Don't be shy ;)


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