dedicated to all the beautiful monbebes in the world <3
"What?" Changkyun took another sip of his coffee, his eyes never leaving the elder.
"I said, Nubility, is debuting, again." Taehyuk repeated, as slowly as possible while he watched the younger for his reaction.
Changkyun froze. "Wha...what?" He spluttered. Then, he began to cough.
Really hard.
(alternatively, Changkyun thinks his members hate him and it's up to his members to convince him not to leave them)
Introduction to Nu'bility: (Changkyun was a part of this group before it disbanded)

Kwak Taehyuk
-Leader, Vocalist

Park Byunghwa

Shin Jeongwook
-Main Vocalist

Im Changkyun

Han Jongyeon

Step 1: Make Changkyun Stay
Random"Nubilityisdebutingagain." "What?" Changkyun took another sip of his coffee, his eyes never leaving the elder. "I said, Nubility, is debuting, again." Taehyuk repeated, as slowly as possible while he watched the younger for his reaction. Changkyun...