Permission Slip

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Lilly's Pov

"How was school?" Mom asks. "Oh good," I lie. "Hey Mom! They're doing sign ups for the dance team!! Can you sign our permission lip?" Brynn asks. "Of course, that sounds awesome," Mom says. I walk into Maya's room, and she looks sad, and she's all wet. "Maya, what happened?" I ask. "I set off the firearms at school by burning the homework," she says. "And Mr. Matthews yelled at me that I go too far, and I'm a bad influence on Riley." I sit on her bed, and she pulls me into her lap. "How was your day?" she asks. "Good, I'm going to sign up for the dance team," I say. "That's amazing," Maya says.

At lunch the next day, I sit alone, and I pull out a bag of cookies. "Better not eat that or you'll fat, ooh too late," a hear a voice say, and Alexus grabs the bag out of my hand and tosses them into the trashcan laughing. "Good one Alexus," Ari says. So I throw the rest of my lunch away.

"Okay who ever has permission slips pass them up," Mr. Kremer says. Alexus reaches and grabs my permission slip, and I watch her carefully making sure she gives it to the teacher. She does, and I breathe a sigh of relief. "Now I need somebody to take these to the office," the teacher says, and Alexus reaches out her hand. But he looks at me, "Lilly, why don't you give it a shot!" he says. Alexus gives me an evil glare. I walk up the decks, and Alexus purposely bumps into me. "Oh sorry," she lies. "Remember where the office is?" Mr. Kremer says. I nod, and walk out of the room, and Alexus stabs a mechanical pencil into my back. It hurts, and I look at her, and she laughs. I run to the bathroom close the stall, and pick the lead out of my back. I put the permission slip on the floor, and the door opens. I look through the crack, and see Alexus... who's fixing her hair. She looks down and says, "Hey what's that?" She grabs it. "Wasn't this supposed to go straight to the office." She bangs and kicks the stall door, and I'm scared out of my mind and I stand on the toilet. "What to do, what to do," she says sadistically. "By the way you don't even have the dancers body, don't you think. I see you're a little on the hefty side." And then she walks away, and I stare at her thin perfect body.

So at dance practice, I had to sit out because my name wasn't called. I sat out on the bleachers while Alexus got to practice. I know that she stole my permission slip. She turns around and smirks at me. So Mom fills out another permission slip, and I go to practice the next day.

We each are assigned a solo for nationals. My solo is called Bad Blood, and I perform it well, but out of the corner of my eye, I see Alexus glaring at me. We do our group dance. "Okay, Alexus, you'll be center, and Lilly is in the back," Abby, our dance teacher says. "In the back!!" Alexus exclaims. "Hahaha that's where they put the weakest dancer."

I go into the locker rooms, and search my bag for my clothes, but they're not there. I shyly ask the other girls, "Um has someone seen my clothes?" "No sorry," they say. "Gee Lilly," Alexus says. "Something really STINKS. hahaha." I know what she means, so I look in the trashcan, and there are my clothes.

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