fifty two

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Grey Willis, a regular citizen, with regular circumstances, wakes up one morning to the city sirens, signaling another day's work. He gets dressed, and tells his sick mother goodbye. His father had died when he was little, leaving him and his mother alone. Today was just another day, ordinary, plain, dreary, and boring. he grabbed his jacket, and headed to the factory.


Grey walked home from another day of work, and hung up his coat, and called hello to his mother,"I'm home, mum." she didn't answer. "mum?" he called again, stepping toward her room. he peered inside, around the corner. "mum, are you okay?" she looked up. she was pale, and had dark circles under her eyes. her lamp was dimly lit, and she was sweating. " are you sick?" he inquired, " you're really pale." he strode over and felt her forehead. she was burning up. "mum, I'm gonna have to stay from work tomorrow. what d'you want for supper?" her voice squeaked, and cracked as she spoke. she obviously was terribly sick. "nothing Grey, I'm fine." "you don't look it," he said matter-of-factly, "I'm calling the doctor tomorrow." he didn't wait for her response, and strode out of the room to make some tea.

There had been a breakout of this unknown disease for a while, and not many people survived. Grey put on the water to boil, and sat down at the table. he thought about his father. how he had died when Grey was young. Grey hadn't known him well, but he knew that his father was the one to name him Gregory Evan Willis. he had always disliked the name Gregory, so everyone called him Grey. the whistle went off and the water was boiling, so he finished up making the tea. bringing it to his mother, he carefully set it by her bedside and kissed her goodnight. he tiptoe out and turned off the light, taking care to shut the door. He retreated to his room, and laid down, thinking about his mother, and the punishment that he would receive for staying home.


The sirens went off, waking Grey up, who slept another couple of minutes, knowing that he was staying home. after the second siren went off, he get up, and got dressed. he cracked his mother's door, and she was still sleeping. he slipped on a hat over his dark, messy hair. he opened the door, and grabbed his coat, putting it on as he walked to the doctor's office. he approached the front table, and the nurses greeted him. "hello, my mother is very ill, and can't make it out of bed. i was wondering, could you send a doctor with me?" he inquired smartly. the head nurse agreed to send him a doctor, and to go ahead home. he gave them his address, and left.

a few minutes later, there was a knock at the door. knowing that this must be the doctor, Grey answered. "hello, young man, how are you today?" the doctor chimed. "fine, thanks." Grey replied, showing the doctor In. the doctor smiled and entered. he was tall, and had grey hair.he looked to be In his late 50's. he looked at Grey and asked, "so, I hear that your mother is sick. what has been going on with her?" Grey avoided eye contact and said, "she's been very pale, sweaty, and she's burning up." Grey mumbled, "would you like to see her?" "In fact, I would. this may be another case of this sickness breaking out." the doctor answered, "now, you know that if she does have this disease, there's only a slim chance of her making it. we still don't have a cure." the doctor said sympathetically. "yeah," Grey muttered, "well, she's in here." he led the doctor to his mother's room. after waking her up, the doctor questioned her and took her temperature. he looked sullen. "mister- Grey? is it? I would like to speak to you in the hall." they stepped outside and closed his mother's door.

"Grey, there is no other way to break this to you, but your mother is dying." he explained. Grey looked up defiantly. he was angry that he was going to lose him mum and he knew it. "well we're all dying aren't we? slowly! so what makes this so special?!" he snapped. he knew he shouldn't have, but he did anyway. the doctor still looked understanding. he hadn't flinched, and he dkdnt miss a beat when he said, "yes, we are all dying, this disease is just making your mother worse. I'm sorry." Grey was still angry. he marched to ten door, opened it, and showed the doctor out.

when He left, Grey slammed the door, with tears stinging his eyes. he had never cried before. he stomped into his room, closed the door, and started pacing. he needed a plan, because he refused to go to the orphanage. he was going to run. he would run away before they came for him. he decided that this was his plan, and sat on his bed. he wasn't hungry for breakfast, and decided to just sleep for the rest of the day and night. he would take care of his mum if she called, but he knew that she wouldn't. he flopped onto his bed and slept. he woke at 8:00 at night and just thought about everything. about his mum, the doctor, his plan, and everything until he couldn't think anymore, so he layed the're until morning.

Grey heard the sirens, and thought wether he would go to the factory or not and decided to stay home, because he knew that he would be leaving soon anyway, so he may as well stay home. he got up and put on the water for the tea, and making his breakfast. when the tea was done, he brought it to his mother's room. he knocked on the door and stepped in. he set the tea down, and felt his mother's forehead. cold. she was even paler, and had look about her. he hesitantly felt her pulse, and dropped her wrist in shock. nothing. she had died before he had woken up. this time he let the tears fall. he was alone. his throaght hurt from crying, so he went to get some water. he came back, sat in the chair, and waited. waited for anything.

Grey's eyes cleared up, and something caught his eye. a letter. it was by his mother's bedside, and it was addressed to him. he hesitantly took it and slowly opened it. it was thick, so it must have contained something. unfolded the letter to see 52 playing cards fall out. hoping for some explanation, Grey looked at the letter, which read:

"Dear Grey, yes I know that I'm dying, and by the time you read this,

I will probably be dead. these cards that are enclosed are important.

keep them safe. knowing you, you'll run away when I die, and I don't blame you.

since you're going to run, make a stop at a library. you can probably find one in

the next town. look up the story of the 52 cards. count yours and make sure

that there are 52. you'll find another letter inside the book that has the story

of 52. get there quickly though. it will explain more. I don't think I can write much

more, so I'll just tell you, I love you. Goodbye Grey.


Now Grey was feeling mixed emotions, he was sad, mad, shocked, and confused. all he knew was that he had to leave now. he grabbed and counted the cards. fifty two. he quickly turned off the stove, cleaned up the kitchen and went to his room. "wow," he thought, "so this is it." he grabbed a small bag, packed a change of clothes, a lantern, money, his cards, and the letter. he sighed and looked at the looked at the house for the least time, kissed his mom goodbye, and set off. he knew that he was going to the next town, but not how to get there. he decided in one direction started walking, keeping his head low, and starting a new beginning.


there was the intro. hope you like it, I'm a beginning writer, so I would love your advice, please comment, and I should update soon! ~Abby

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