forty- seven

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Meg's p.o.v.

Man, I gave him a good scare. Too bad Grey's not smart enough to look first. Or else, he would've known that I just ran into the shop next to him. He couldn't even tell a human from a mannequin! He should have at least had the good sense to look around before talking to Summer.VERY original. She could have come up with a much better code name than that. And why does she keep calling me "Meggie?" that's like if I started calling her "Summy". At least I have the sense to actually be clever with this operation. But of course she just flounder out being all obvious and flirting with Grey. I'd rather psych him out and make him mad any day, because then, he comes running I to the operation, and bang! operation complete.

Why'd Chief make US partners on this mission? were as different as night and day! or should I say summer and winter? ha! good one, Meg. Anyway we''re completely opposite! She's all kindness and happiness and rainbows and smiley faces and peace signs. ugh. at least I can get by on sheer wit and cleverness! She just charms everyone into doing what she wants. It sickens me.

I finally got Summer to lure Grey over to me so I can get him along in the mission. He's lucky his mom was the head of the Fifty- two operation. otherwise, I wouldn't give a rip about him. He'd be right there in that orphanage like any other kid. He'd still be working in the factory like any other 17 year- old guy. Why he's so special, I have no clue. But apparently, we'd be dead without him, so I have to continue with this operation.

"Chief Willis's orders" they say. I just want to make it out of here alive, and have some fun while doing it. Not Summer's type of fun though. frolicking through daisies, petting bunnies, sewing dresses for her animal friends. No. Just... No. MY fun. Outfitting people, doing missions, adrenaline. stuff like that. Spying on people and trying not to get caught. THAT'S why I'm the agency's top agent. I never get caught and I always finish my missions. I basically live at the agency. 52 sspying agency. We basically live for theses cards. just a couple decks of cards can mean life or death. Because, inevitably, some moron is going to get ahold of one of them, and drop it or lose it or step on it, and then who knows where- or when- they'll end up that we have to rescue and brainwash them. And then there's the ghost of havoc to deal with.

These people are like babies! so irresponsible and forgetful. Why can't they muster a couple of I.Q. points together and keep their cards and leave our cards alone?! but nooooooo! nobody's responsible. I know that nobody's perfect, but can't they just try to be careful?

Oh! looky here. Who comes rushing around the corner, as if on cue. Grey rounds the corner, and spots me "YOU!" he yells. He starts sprinting at me. I can't help it. It's too fun. I start to run away from him!

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