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Grey woke up to a soft tapping on his door. the knocking grew louder, so he rolled out of bed and pushed his dark, messy hair out of his amber brown eyes. the knocking was getting annoying, so grey stretched and lumbered to the door. he unlocked the lock, and forced the door open. on the other side was the pretty girl that he had seen on the corner of 4th street and elm. "hello," Grey greeted her, "what do you need?" he asked.

she looked up at him and scoffed. he looked dreadful. she said "you dropped your letter and cards on the street. do you want them or not?" in an impatient tone. she didn't seem like a patient person. "oh... um... yeah, thanks." grey said awkwardly, "but, can I ask why you waited to give them to me, and how you found me?" the girl rolled her eyes and said, "none of your buisness, and I followed you. looks like someone isn't grateful." she shoved the letter and cards at Grey's chest, turned on her heel, and walked away.

Grey stood there, shocked. he was getting annoyed. he propped the door open with the letter and cards and walked after her. once he'd caught up, he reached to her arm, spun her around, and said "excuse me, but I think it is my business. I'm very grateful that you brought these cards back to me, but why on earth would you just... stalk me, just to give me a wrinkled old piece of paper and some musty old cards?" he was shouting now, and since they were near the lobby, people started to stare.

The girl sighed impatiently and rolled her eyes. she looked back at him and crossed her arms. then, she pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes. but then, slowly, a smirk drew across her face. she gave a short chuckle, and said, "you really don't know what these cards are, do you?" she looked at him with the same sly smile and said, "my name is Meg, by the way. Meg Cirros. I'm making you mad, aren't I? I'm good at it. it's my business. besides snatching." before she could say anything else, Grey intercepted, "snatching? what's snatching?" Meg shook her head slowly and chuckled, "you need to learn more about this game before you try to play it."

She chuckled to herself again and said, "really, you must get to the library." she remarked, regaining her mocking smirk. she crossed her legs and twisted around toward the door, and slowly walked toward it. Grey stayed still as a statue. barely turning her head over her shoulder, Meg remarked, "oh, and I bet your mother was a great woman." she paused, "pity she left you with such a task and no help."

she began walking again, and she was almost at the door. "learn to take care of your things, Grey. you never know what might happen to them. She pushed open the front door, and staggered out like she'd won a battle. Grey was left there open mouthed, and in his pajamas, in front of everyone. Shocked and embarrassed, Grey darted back into his room, slamming the door behind him once more.

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