forty- six

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Summer's p.o.v.

I really hate deceiving Grey like this! I know that I'm part of the agency, but he's really sweet and I don't want to hurt him. I came up with the codename "Winter" for this mission, and I think it's great. Meg doesn't. She's never liked me. I've tried to be so nice to her though. She also thinks that I'm a dumb blonde, but I'm not! I can see it the way she rolls her eyes when I come around. I'm not blind either. And at least I stick to the mission. She'll give it up in a heartbeat if she thinks there's fun somewhere else. That's all she cares about. That's why chief favors me. I mean, don't get me wrong, I hate bragging, but I know it's true. The other agents tell me so.

That's why they put me on this mission. They think that I can trick Grey into following through the plan by being nice. I think it's a good idea, but I just like being nice to people regardless. especially if they need it. Like Grey. His mom just died, and all he can pay attention to is some silly cards. At least he's had some Tim's to think about this. Decide for himself if he wants to finish the quest. We're glad he chose to though, because if he didn't, we'd have to force him. I just couldn't bear the thought of him having to deal with the ghost of havoc, without even knowing what it is. He wouldn't stand a chance, poor soul. We couldn't even help him.

I guess messing with his mind isn't as bad as the ghost. I can't believe that I managed to trick him into Meg's clutches. She's probably not going to follow th plan though. this is all just a game to her. She doesn't care how much trouble she, or grey, or me or the agency gets into. she just wants to do what she does without people getting in her way. Oh well.

I continue my walk up the stairs to the library door. I'm not really the librarian, but It's cool to stay here. It's so pretty with its shiny cream colored stairs, and ivory colored marble sign that reads, "FARBRIGE LIBRARY". Holding up the roof are large pillars, the same marble as the sign. I open the front doors, and walk inside, taking the interior in. it's such a beautiful library. I walk behind the front desk and set my bag down. Then, I sit in the rolling chair and reach under the desk. I pullout one of the drawers, and feel the soft, worn cover of a book. I glance down and look at the blueberry colored cover of the story of 52.

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