Imagine for @chalynne

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Chay's POV

Late nights, scrolling through Twitter. That was my life.

Justin had been gone for a while now, he's still in the studio, working his magic as I like to call it.

Justin and I have been dating for a few months and it's been the best few months that I've ever experienced.

Twitter can be mean sometimes, like tonight.

A lot of people are saying that I'm only dating Justin for his money, which is stupid to say. Justin is a lot more than his money.

People continuously body shame me, call me ugly, calling me a bitch, a whore, a slut, everything.

Justin told me before to not worry about what they're saying, the only thing that I need to worry about is us.

It was really starting to get to me again. Again, oh, you don't know the story, well, let me tell you.


I reached for another bottle of the pain pills that were left over from when I got my wisdom teeth taken out and popped some more into my mouth.

This will drown out all of these people telling me that I'm not good enough for Justin, or I'm ugly, or any of that other stuff.

I felt extremely lightheaded and I fell to the floor, but I felt arms under me.

"Chay." Justin said.

He took me to the hospital and they gave me some fluids and did this other stuff and sent me home, it was all a blur really.

"Please, don't let them get to you, baby. They mean nothing. It's you and me against the world." Justin said.

He rubbed my back gently and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear.

'It's me and him against the world.' I thought to myself.

End flashback:

Emotional, right? Well, that's how bad my depression can get.

I looked through Twitter again, scrolling through all of the mean comments.

I was tired. Tired of all the haters. Tired of anything.

I got up and went downstairs to get a glass of water.

I looked out the window, wondering why I'm seeing things.

I swear that I just saw girls with signs that said all of those horrible things on Twitter.

I walked over to my front door and opened it.

There was no one there.

I shook my head and closed the door.

I'm going crazy.

I walked back upstairs, but as I was walking, I saw all of those mean things being written on the wall.

I tried wiping it off with my hand, but as soon as my hand touched the wall, it disappeared.

That's it. I'm done.

I walked upstairs and opened my laptop and tweeted: You've won. I'm done.

I closed my laptop and went into the bathroom.

Time to end it for real this time.

I reached into the medicine cabinet and grabbed the pill bottles.

My hands were shaking a lot, I couldn't keep a steady hand, so I accidentally dropped the bottle on the floor.

I bent over and picked it up and opened it.

I stood there and looked at myself in the mirror, one last time.

Pill after pill went into my mouth. I couldn't tell you how many I took, but hopefully it was enough.

I stumbled back into my room, lightheaded and vision blurred and sat on my bed.

I felt my eyes getting heavy and I got even more lightheaded.

Thud. And it all went black.

Justin's POV
"Finally, home at last." I muttered.

I walked up to the front door and stuck the key in the lock to find that the door was unlocked already.

I don't know why, but my mind was telling me something bad had happened.

Look on Twitter. A voice in my head said.

I'm not crazy.

I looked on Twitter and saw the tweet from Chay.

I immediately ran upstairs to her room, only running into her door.

Dammit, it's locked.

I looked around and I found one of Chay's bobby pins on the floor.

I straightened the bobby pin and stuck it into the lock. The lock popped and I opened the door.

"Chay! No, no, no." I said, running over to her.

I put my hand over her heart and her breathing was getting slower.

I quickly called 911 because I knew I wasn't going to make it to the hospital in time.

I sat there and I looked at her.

Why would anyone ever say such mean and hurtful things to her? She is the most beautiful girl that I've ever met. I don't understand what these people don't like about her. I never thought that this would happen again. I hope I'm not too late.

I felt the flashback to last time, but she was okay. I was losing hope this time.

Finally the paramedics ran into the room and immediately hooked her up to some fluids and put an oxygen mask on her.

I sat there on her bed, tears streaming down my face. I looked up at the ceiling.

Please, God. Don't take her away from me. Please.

I lookes back down at her and her eyes were fluttering open.

"Chay!" I said.

Her eyes darted over to me, her mouth opened, but nothing came out.

After a few hours of the paramedics helping her, they left.

I helped Chay up onto the bed and I put my arm around her.

"Chay..." I trailed off.

"I'm sorry, Justin." She said.

I rubbed her back gently and kissed her temple.

"Remember what I told you last time? It's me and you against the world." I whispered.

She looked up at me and smiled.

"Justin, I don't think I want a Twitter anymore." She said.

"We'll delete it later, but now, I just want to cuddle with my favorite girl to get your mind off of everything else and to focus on what's important." I said.

She wrapped her arms around me and kissed my cheek.

"You're always here to save me, Justin." She said.

"I will catch you if you fall." I said.

@chalynne, I hope you enjoyed your imagine. I hope it doesn't suck, but if it does, I'm sorry.

Please read, vote, and comment on my new fanfic, Company. It would mean the world to me. Bonus: It's a Kian Lawley fanfic and who doesn't love Kian?

Requests are open. All I need is your name and what you want to happen in your imagine. I'm kinda trying to slow down on the imagines and actually take my time with them. Plus I'm on Wattpad too much and I need to dial it down. Please be patient with me and I will get to yours as soon as I can.

Sarah ❤️

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