Imagine for @Belieberthings6

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Hope you enjoy this Jeralynn! ❤️
Thanks for the support!


Its your birthday and Justin (your boyfriend) is getting you a present.

Jae's POV

"Justin why can't you just tell me what it is already?" I whined. I guess you could say I really wanted to know what Justin got me for my birthday.

"Cause its a suprise babe. You gotta wait." He winked at me.

Ugh I hate it when he messes with me like this. He drags it out for so long.

Later that night

"Justin, it is 11 o'clock at night, can I have my present now?" I asked.

I gave him the puppy dog eyes becauee he always gives in.

"Not until its officially your birthday. Its in 5 minutes." Justin said.

"Fine." I said.

I got up and grabbed some pajamas and put them on. Then I put on my new slippers that my parents got me. I walked back into the bedroom where Justin was holding a black labrador puppy.

"Justin? Who's dog is that?" I asked.

"Yours. Happy Birthday princess." He said handing the dog to me.

"Awh really? That was totally worth the wait. Thank you Justin, I love him." I said. I kissed him on the lips and smiled.

"You are the best boyfriend I've ever had, you know that right?" I asked Justin.

He hugged me and said, " You know you are the best girlfriend I've ever had right?"

"I love you Justin." I said.

"I love you too Jeralynn.. forever and always." He said back to me.

Best birthday ever. ❤️

Hey Jeralynn I hope you liked this.

I'm sorry that this one was kinda short, I couldn't think of anything else. But I thought of that so I hope you liked it.

More imagines coming soon. Have to help my mom outside so won't be until later maybe.

Sarah 💜

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