Imagine for @swagitupbieberstyle

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Yumna's POV

Tonight is the big night. I'm going on my first date with Justin.

I've had a crush on him for a while now and he finally asked me on a date. You don't even understand how excited I am.

I put on a cute sundress with pockets (how can you not love a dress with pockets?) and my favorite flats that I practically live in.

I went into my bathroom and fixed my hair and put on some light make-up.

Ding dong!

I heard the doorbell ring from upstairs, so I grabbed my phone and put it in my pocket and ran downstairs.

I stopped at the door and took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Hi, Justin." I said.

"Hi, Yumna. You look absolutely beautiful." He said with a smile.

I felt my cheeks get warm and I tried to hide my face, but I couldn't. It made it more obvious that I was blushing.

Justin took my hand and smiled. He led me out to his car and we got inside and pulled out of the driveway.

Once we got onto the road, the car ride was pretty silent. The only noise was the low volume of the radio.

Then, I finally said something, "Justin, where are we going?"

"It's a suprise. You'll find out when we get there." He said.

He looked over at me briefly and then his eyes were fixed back onto the road.

We pulled into a parking lot and I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Justin, we're at the most beautiful beach in the state!" I said.

"The most beautiful beach for the most beautiful girl." He said with a beaming smile.

I smiled at him and blushed.

We got out of the car and went into the trunk.

Justin pulled out a blanket and a picnic basket and started walking toward the beach.

I caught up with Justin and we set up the blanket and the picnic basket.

I fixed my plate and Justin looked at me.

"What? Can't a girl eat a lot of food?" I said.

I took a bite of the sandwich and Justin laughed at me.

"I'm not judging." He smiled.

We sat there and ate our food and listened to the waves crash.

When we finished with the picnic, we packed everything back up and put it back into the trunk of Justin's car.

He held out his hand for me to take. I took his hand and he led me back onto the beach.

We walked slow across the beach, admiring the view, although Justin was mostly staring at me, and just watching the waves.

"I have a question." I said to Justin.

He looked over at me.

"Ask away." He said.

"We have like 3 classes together in school and we never talk to each other. Why did you decide to ask me out on a date?" I asked.

Justin stopped and he looked at me.

"Yumna, there's something that I need to tell you." He said.

I looked up at him.

"Tell me." I said.

"Well, you may think of me as the type of guy that is the most confident and has every girl wrapped around his finger. I project myself that way because I don't want anyone to see the real me." He said.

I took a deep breath.

"Justin, I know how to read people. I can see right through you. I can see the real you and I like the real you." I said.

Justin looked at me again and smiled.

"You have a kind heart. I know that you're not the guy that you say you are. You're hiding because you don't know what people will think." I said.

"I just, I've worked so hard to actually have friends that like me, I didn't have many friends growing up." He said.

"Justin, if these so-called 'friends' don't like you for who you really are, then they're not your real friends." I said.

He sighed.

"And don't you tell all of your fans to be themselves? How can they be themselves when you're not yourself?" I said.

"You're right." He said.

I smiled at him and he squeezed my hand a little bit.

"You actually understand me, thank you." He said.

We were both looking into each other's eyes.

"You're really the only person that understands me." He said, coming closer to me.

He placed his hand on my waist and smiled.

The moment was right.

He leaned in and kissed me, smiling inbetween the kisses. I wrapped my arms around his neck and continued the kiss.

He pulled away and looked deep into my eyes.

"Can I ask you a question now?" He said.

I smiled at him and said, "Go ahead."

"Do you want to be my girlfriend, Yumna?" He asked.

"What kind of question is that?" I said before leaning in and kissed him.

He pulled away and looked at me.

"So, is that a yes?" He asked.

"Yes." I smiled.

He leaned back in and kissed me.

@swagitupbieberstyle, I hope enjoyed this! I'm sorry it took so long.

It would mean the world to me if you guys would read my Kian Lawley fanfic, Company. I work extremely hard on it and I put out new chapters every single day. Please make my day by reading it. ❤️

Requests are open. I just need you to message me your name and what you want to happen in your imagine. Please be patient with me, I will finish it as soon as possible.

Sarah ❤️

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