Imagine for @MahomieSwag74

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So this imagine is for @MahomieSwag74

Sorry that it took me so long to get to your imagine. I've been working on like 7 at once so please don't be mad.

I really hope you enjoy! ❤️


You and Justin are having a lazy day.

Nayja's POV

"Tag you're it." I said poking Justin in the arm.

We were just sitting on the couch madly poking eachother. Anything we do, we always have fun. That's why we're a couple.

We both decided to stay in today. Away from the paparazzi, away from the screaming fans, away from everything. Just me and him.

"Okay so this is kind of getting boring." Justin finally said.

"You're right." I said back.

"I have an idea. Lets play hide and seek. Rules are you can only hide inside and you can't hide upstairs. Oh and if whoever is it finds you, they get to kiss you." Justin said while smirking.

"I like that idea. I'll be it first. We'll count to ten." I said.

I closed my eyes and started to count. I could hear Justin take off running.

"Nine, TEN! Ready or not here I come." I screamed.

I started to search for Justin. I looked everywhere but I couldn't find him. Then I heard rattling under the sink. I opened both cabinets under the sink and I found Justin.

"How did you fit in there?" I asked.

"Skill." He said grabbing me by the waist and pulling me closer to him.

As the rules say, I kissed Justin.

"Alright my turn.. now go hide." Justin said. He closed his eyes and started to count. I knew the perfect spot to hide too. The laundry room.

Justin's POV

"TEN! Ready or not, I'm coming for you babe!" I said.

Now where could Nayja be?

I looked everywhere downstairs, and I even checked upstairs to see if she was cheating.

Oh there is one room that I forgot to check, the laundry room.

I went into the laundry room and I found Nayja sitting on the washing machine using her phone.

"Oh you're finally here. I got tired of waiting for you." She said giggling.

"Well I get to kiss you now." I said.

I picked her up off of the washing machine, and I kissed her.

"Another round, you're it." I said.

"Nah, I'd rather kiss you. Thats more fun." She said before kissing me again.

Ten minutes later in between kisses I mumbled, "I love you so much Nayja."

Well @MahomieSwag74 I finished it.

Sorry for the wait. Been really busy and I decided to take a break from Wattpad.

Go follow @MahomieSwag74

Working on some more personal imagines so keep your eyes open for some more coming later today!

Sarah ❤️

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