Chapter 3

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"Evelyn. Evelyn. EVELYN!" 

My eyes futtered open abruptly as the sound of my name being called rang through my ears. My sisters Joanie and Ann, Joanie's boyfriend Danny, his brother Emmett, his girlfriend Layla, and my Mum all cicled around me. 

"Are you alright? You've been out cold for 48 hours." My Mum looked exhausted. Her copper curls were pulled back into a messy ponytail and her eyes a dull shade of green. Joanie and I had gotten our curls from her. We always used to joke about how we were the curly girlies. My youngest sister Ann had unluckily inherited her stick straight hair from our Dad, Andy. Dad had never been around that often, he was always busy with his job. But, the one thing he always made time for was Ann, never for Joanie and I. She had always made me kind of jealous.

"Hello? Evie! Earth to Evie!" I turned my attention to Emmett. Emmett is the definition of beautiful. Nothing but your classic handsome, blonde, jock straight out of the movies. I had always fancied him just a little, but I knew that he was in love with Layla. Just the way he looked at her made me change my mind, I knew she was the one for him. Layla is the firecracker with red hair. It's not natural though, she dyes it so it's more of a violet color. She can be stubborn and hot-headed at times, so I kind of keep my distance. But the two together make the perfect couple. 

"I told you she's hibernating!" Ann said ever so seriously. She had the best sense of humor, I mean, for a 6 year old.  

"No i'm here. What happened? Where are we?" I replied. I was sick of not knowing what was happening. 

"You passed out. Shortly after that, Danny, Emmett, and Layla came over. Their house was overrun by those monsters. It's terrifying Evelyn! Those things are all over the place." My Mum replied, I could see the concern in her eyes.

"Yeah, but where are we? Where's Dad? Mum?"  I couldn't live without being with my father. Even though we barely even saw him, he was the ultimate survivalist. He kind of had a crazy side to him. For months we stocked up on things in our basement, adding a new addition to the pile every time we went shopping. They were mostly cans, but would most definetley be the best thing in a situation like this. 

"Umm... We're a mile outside the city limits. The town is just not that safe. There was an abandoned Winnebago just sitting here, so we took it. Danny got all of his father's guns and knives. We should be okay until there's a cure. And you're father....Umm...well...We had to leave without him. Right after you blacked out, all of the power shut off and the phone lines went dead. Layla had escaped the area around Dad's office and said it was pretty bad. I'm sorry honey. We'll find him. This shouldn't last but a couple days."

How could she just leave him? OUR OWN FATHER! In a world like this? What the hell, Mom? He would NEVER leave you. 

Without thinking I jumped to my feet and stormed out of the RV. Not realising that I didn't have any actual clothes or shoes on I stepped on a branch. "OWW!" I exclaimed.

"You'll be needing these." I turned around to see Layla holding my old disgusting pair of converse. "Right now, you aren't going anywhere without me. Hurry! Put them on before your Mum follows us! I know you're pissed. We can talk. There's a little outlet mall not far from here. Let's go." 


We wandered around the forest, searching for the mini mall.

"I just can't believe that she would just leave him. I mean, my own father! I love him." I expressed myself rather loudly.

"Evelyn, she did what was best for her family. Searching for him would have been a danger to us all. Moving on was just the best option. Don't worry we'll see him again! The government promised they would protect us. I betcha they're administering cures as we speak!" Layla flashed me her gorgeous smile. 

"I guess that makes sense. He's probably in a safe shelter somewhere away from all of this. Shit, he might even be better off than we are." I needed to admit that Layla was right.

The scent of pine filled my nose. The forests outside of LA are just simply beautiful. I feel at home everytime we come up here, it's total serenity. 

"So what do these things even do? They look like Zombies... not to sound cliche or anything." I asked in curiosity. 

"They are Zombies dumbass! Have you seen what they do? They rip you to shreds and turn you into one of them. Tell me you haven't seen that before." Layla's hot-headedness began to show. 

"I'm sorry. Hey, I was out cold in the beginning, remember?" I replied.

"Yeah I do, but that's no excuse. Know your monsters hon!" She laughed. 

We came to a clearing and there was the mini mall. The only problem was, was that it was surrounded by those things. They wandered through the parking lot, stumbling and moaning. 

"Shit! Get behind the tree!" Layla loudly whispered. "Here, take this." She handed me a Colt 45 revolver from her bag.

"Where the hell did you get that?" I yelled. 

"SHUT UP! It doesn't matter. Just take it." She whispered loudly again. 

I looked around, we were pretty high up on the hill. I counted 7 of them. With the right aim, we could take out every one of them from here.

"Can we kill them? Are they still people?" I didn't want to hurt them.

"No shit, Ev! Do not hesitate! They will kill you! Make sure to aim for the brain!  C'mon, didn't you watch all of those movies?" 

I heard voices behind me. Shaking, I turned around, flashing my gun. 

"WOAH WOAH WOAH! Love, it's alright I won't hurt you! I promise! My hands are up! Look!" It was a boy. He had to be no older than 19. His short brown hair was all dishovled. A small beard covered his face and the tattoos on his arms resembled army arrows. His friend who was standing next to him, looked like a young Leonardo DiCaprio. His Turquoise eyes shimmered in the light and stuble covered his chin. 

"What do you want? I WILL shoot!" Layla yelled. She looked extremely intimidating with her shot gun aimed at their heads. 

"Nothing! We were looking for Water. Our group is quite a thirsty bunch." His thick Wolverhampton accent was so relaxing. 

"Well, get lost! We don't have any!" Layla replied.

"Wait! You have a group? I asked. Layla shot me a dirty look. 

"Yeah!  A few of our mates and family are there. I'm Liam, Liam Payne. That's Louis Tomlinson."  Louis flashed me a half smile. 

"You two looked familiar! You really are THE Liam Payne? And THE Louis Tomlinson? Where's Harry? I'd like to get my hands on him and...." I cut her off. 

I hated when she rambled on and on about such a silly boyband. Layla had always adored One Direction, but to be honest, I didn't really care. I just never got into them or their music. In my opinion it was difficult to endure one of their songs, let alone learn all of their names. How many were there? 6? 4? I guess it doesn't matter now. 

"Is your camp well off? I mean, do you have a place to stay?" We needed help. Our group would be so happy if we were safe.

"Kind of. We're held up in a motel. You can come if you want."  Liam replied.

Great. What could be any better than sharing a Zombie Apocalypse with One Direction? Exactly what I asked for. My family better be happy.


Author's note:

Hey guys! Could you get this to 50 maybe 60 reads and 10 votes? I'd really appreciate it. It will get better I promise! Thanks for reading. New chapter soon. :) x

Apocalypse (A Harry Styles/One Direction Zombie Apocalypse Story)Where stories live. Discover now