Chapter Five

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  After the two finished their meal, Soraru payed for it and they left the cafe. MafuMafu seemed to be practically skipping as they walked through the city together, a smile never leaving his face. Soraru didn't understand how MafuMafu could have so much energy, but he figured the amount of sugar in the white-haired male's breakfast probably had something to do with it.

"So, where is the grocery store, Soraru-san?" MafuMafu asked, looking back at his companion.

"Not that much farther. Turn left here," Soraru replied while pointing to an intersection that was up ahead.

After a few more minutes of walking guided by Soraru's instructions, they arrived at the grocery store. They entered the store and Soraru grabbed a small basket out of habit, before deciding to put it back and get a cart just in case. The two began strolling through the aisles, looking for things to get, and Soraru soon found out that MafuMafu had a tendency to touch just about everything.

"MafuMafu, I swear to god if you mess with one more thing I'm going to put you back out on the street," Soraru said threateningly.

MafuMafu made a small "eep" sound and hurried away from the boxes of cereal he had been playing with. Unfortunately, in his haste he ended up running straight into a display stand, sending cans flying everywhere.

"Uwah! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!" MafuMafu exclaimed in a panic while he started to pick up the cans.

Soraru sighed exasperatedly and facepalmed as he watched the multitude of cans spill out of MafuMafu's arms and roll across the floor again. Soraru would've thought this was actually a little comical, had it not been for the weird looks he and MafuMafu were receiving from the other shoppers. MafuMafu looked close to tears as he scrambled to pick up the cans, so Soraru decided to go over and help him.

"If you try to carry too much at once, you'll end up dropping them again," Soraru stated plainly while beginning to pick up some of the cans as well.

MafuMafu looked over at him, mild surprise showing in his eyes. "Huh?"

Soraru sighed again. "Look, just go put those cans you've got in the cart for now then come pick up the rest."

"Okay," MafuMafu complied before hurrying over to the cart and dropping the cans in.

When he returned, he and Soraru worked together to collect the remaining cans until they managed to set them all back up in the display where they belonged. MafuMafu seemed relieved that they managed to fix it in the end, and he went back to his typical perky self as the two continued making their way through the store. Though, now MafuMafu was very careful not to touch or run into anything.

"Hmm, let's see... Maybe some of this, and this might be good to have too," Soraru muttered to himself as he scanned the shelves for things to buy. He stared at the different items for a long time, before picking a few and tossing them into the cart and continuing on.

MafuMafu watched Soraru curiously as the blue-haired male decided what to get. Soraru seemed to be choosing things very carefully, sometimes standing in front of the same package for several minutes while contemplating whether or not to get it. MafuMafu wondered what Soraru could be thinking so hard about.

"Hey, Soraru-san, how much food do we need?" MafuMafu asked eventually, noticing that there were quite a lot of things in the cart already.

"Well, I don't want to have to make another trip here too soon," Soraru answered before looking back at MafuMafu and adding, "And why are you saying 'we' like we're living together or something?"

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