Chapter Thirteen

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"Alright, I'm heading off to work now," Soraru announced while slipping on his shoes by the front door.

      "Oh, then I'll walk with you. I need to go that way to get home anyway," Lon stated as she walked over to him.

  Soraru shrugged indifferently. "Alright, that's fine with me."

  He looked over at MafuMafu, who was standing off to the side with an odd expression on his face. He seemed troubled by something, though Soraru had no idea what it could be.

      "MafuMafu," Soraru started to get the white-haired male's attention.

  MafuMafu looked up at him, startled, as if he had been lost in thought. "Huh?"

      "I'll probably be home around the same time as yesterday, alright?" Soraru continued.

  MafuMafu nodded, still looking a little out of it. "Alright."

      "Come on, Soraru, if we don't get going you'll be late for work," Lon pointed out, beginning to open the front door.

      "Right. Well, I'm off," Soraru offered MafuMafu a small smile and a wave before following Lon out the door.

  Once they were outside, they started to walk in the direction of Soraru's work.

      "I have a question," Lon said suddenly during their walk.

  Soraru looked over at her curiously. "What is it?"

      "Why won't you tell me the truth about what's up with you and that MafuMafu guy?" Lon asked.

  Soraru didn't say anything and veered his gaze to look at the snow-covered sidewalk. He wasn't sure what would happen if he told Lon the truth, and, as much as he hated keeping secrets from her, it seemed like the best option was to say as little as possible on the subject.

      "I don't understand why you won't tell me. I thought we were best friends..." Lon muttered quietly.

      "We are, it's just that... Well, the whole situation is really complicated right now, so I don't want to tell anybody about it. But I promise, as soon as I figure out what to do and everything gets settled, I'll tell you all about it, okay?" Soraru explained.

  Lon still looked upset, so Soraru decided to say something else in hopes of fixing her mood.

      "Hey, Lon, I know that you'll understand why I'm not telling you because you know me better than anybody else. I always have me reasons for things, and this is really important, so I just need you to trust me on this. I trust you more than any other person, and you trust me too, don't you?" Soraru pointed out.

  Lon stared at him in surprise for a moment, then a faint smile formed on her face. "Yeah, of course."

      "So, you understand why I'm not telling you, right?" Soraru inquired.

      "I guess," Lon replied, reluctant but willing to let it go for now.

  Soraru smiled in relief. "Thanks. I knew I could count on you."

  Lon's cheeks flushed with a light pink at this, and she laughed a bit as if trying to cover up embarrassment. Not long after that, they arrived at the building where Soraru worked. Soraru bid Lon goodbye before walking inside to start another day at work. Lon watched him go until his figure disappeared behind the building's front entrance doors. She stood there for a moment, merely staring at the place where Soraru had been with a frown.

      "Really, what is it with you and MafuMafu?" Lon muttered lowly before turning and walking away.

      "MafuMafu, I'm home," Soraru called as he closed the front door behind him.

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