Chapter Ten

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  In the morning, Soraru awoke a little later than he would've liked. MafuMafu was still asleep, so Soraru carefully got up, laid a blanket over the white-haired male so he wouldn't get cold, and left the living room to get ready for work. When he finished getting ready and went to the kitchen (which was adjoined to the living room) to fix himself something quick to eat, he heard a soft whimpering sound come from the couch. Confused, Soraru walked over to see what it was. His gaze landed on MafuMafu, who looked rather distraught in his sleep. He was frowning and moving around a lot for some reason. Looks like he's having a bad dream, Soraru thought to himself with a small frown. Maybe I should wake him up... Soraru decided against the idea and returned to the kitchen. He had a feeling if he woke MafuMafu up, it'd only lead to the white-haired male telling him about whatever it was that had him so upset, and maybe even other things like what happened to him before ending up on Soraru's doorstep. Soraru didn't want to know these things yet, he just wasn't ready for someone to put that kind of trust in him. To be relied on so heavily that someone else's burdens were unloaded on you, it wasn't something Soraru knew how to do. So, for now, the most he could do was make sure MafuMafu woke up to a good meal and maybe a nice pat on the head. Something to take his mind off of whatever was troubling him.

Yet, as time passed, Soraru was starting to think he'd have to go to work before MafuMafu woke up. He didn't want to leave MafuMafu alone first thing in the morning, though, so he decided to sit in the living room and wait for a little longer than normal. Nearly twenty minutes passed by, and Soraru was about to give up and leave in order to avoid being too late to work, when just then MafuMafu sat up and rubbed his eyes groggily.

"Soraru-san?" MafuMafu mumbled, looking up at him through bleary eyes.

"Morning. You slept in pretty late, you know," Soraru stated while gesturing to the time on the clock.

"I did?" MafuMafu tilted his head and looked at the time. It was only about nine in the morning.

"Well, actually, I guess you didn't sleep in, I just had to get up early," Soraru corrected himself after thinking for a moment. "I have work today."

"Work?" MafuMafu echoed.

Soraru nodded and stood up, walking back over to the kitchen. "Yeah, it's a Monday, so I have work."

He picked up the plate of food he had saved for MafuMafu and brought it back over to the white-haired male. MafuMafu took the plate with a mumbled "thank you", still seeming a little out of it.

"There are some things for you to make a sandwich with for lunch, and I should be back before dinner time, but if I'm not there's cup ramen in the cupboard. Got it?" Soraru explained.

MafuMafu nodded, taking a short break from eating to reply with, "Got it."

Soraru smiled softly. MafuMafu looked so content while he was eating, as if he didn't have a care in the world. Maybe giving MafuMafu some good food right when he woke up really was the best choice.

"Well, I have to go now, so don't destroy the house while I'm gone, alright?" Soraru said jokingly.

MafuMafu pouted a bit. "I'm not going to destroy the house."

"You nearly destroyed my kitchen," Soraru pointed out.

"That was an accident!" MafuMafu exclaimed.

Soraru laughed and ruffled MafuMafu's hair. "Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm just messing with you." Soraru then turned and started towards the front door while calling over his shoulder, "See you later, MafuMafu."

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