Chapter Seven

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  MafuMafu's eyes fluttered open in the morning to see that he was still snuggled up against Soraru. His cheeks flushed with red once he realized this, feeling embarrassed that he had acted so pathetically last night. Though, MafuMafu had to admit he felt rather comfortable like this, and he would've been content to stay here forever. The feeling of someone beside him, someone who was caring and warm and allowed him to do such things like this, it was unfamiliar yet very nice. MafuMafu liked having Soraru with him, and felt very grateful that out of all the people who he could've been left with, it was this blue-haired male.

"Soraru-san..." MafuMafu mumbled quietly while nuzzling his face into Soraru's shirt.

It was fine to act like this, right? There wasn't any harm, and Soraru hadn't seemed to mind when MafuMafu got close to him, so it was okay. Still, MafuMafu couldn't help feeling embarrassed for some reason. It was normal for cats to show affection to people they care about, but MafuMafu had never really done that before. Mutual affection was even stranger to him. So strange, in fact, that he wasn't entirely sure what that was. Was this it? Did Soraru care about him enough to show "affection"? Maybe, but it was hard to tell. MafuMafu was brought out of his thoughts by Soraru stirring beside him and opening his eyes groggily.

"Huh...? Oh, hey, MafuMafu," Soraru muttered sleepily. He didn't look quite awake yet.

MafuMafu looked up at Soraru with a warm smile. "Good morning, Soraru-san! Did you sleep well?"

"I guess," Soraru replied offhandedly before, sitting up and stretching.

MafuMafu sat up as well, a little disappointed that he couldn't lay there with Soraru for any longer, but he didn't show this.

Soraru looked over at him for a few seconds, then asked, "Are you hungry?"

"Uh-huh!" MafuMafu chirped with a nod.

"Alright, then. I'll fix us something to eat," Soraru stated while standing up.

He exited the room and headed to the kitchen, with MafuMafu following closely behind him.

"What are you going to make, Soraru-san?" MafuMafu asked curiously, watching as Soraru got out ingredients and things to cook with.

"I'm thinking about having omelettes. Does that sound good to you?" Soraru inquired.

MafuMafu nodded. "Yeah, sounds great."

Soraru got to work, cooking up breakfast for the two with what looked like practiced ease. MafuMafu was fascinated by the display, considering he couldn't cook a single thing. Unfortunately for Soraru, the white-haired male ended up getting in the way a lot since he was so curious, and eventually Soraru got an idea.

"Hey, MafuMafu, why don't you do me a favor and chop up those ingredients over there? It'll give you something to do, and maybe even teach you a bit about cooking," Soraru gestured to a couple of herbs and other ingredients for the omelettes that were sitting on a cuttingboard on the counter.

MafuMafu looked at the ingredients nervously, before he gave a hesitant reply of, "Okay." He walked over to the cuttingboard, when it occurred to him that he had nothing to cut with.

"Soraru-san, wh-"

"The knives are in that drawer over there," Soraru pointed to a drawer on the opposite side of the kitchen without even looking.

"Th-Thanks..." MafuMafu responded, before going over to the drawer his blue-haired companion had indicated.

Ah, there are so many different knives... Which kind is the right one? I want to ask Soraru-san, but he seems so focused on what he's doing right now... MafuMafu thought to himself as he stared at the contents of the drawer. Along with knives, it also contained all sorts of other kinds of silverware. MafuMafu made a mental note to himself to remember this drawer whenever he needed silverware in the future, before picking up a random knife and walking back over to where the ingredients were. Alright, how should I go about this? MafuMafu wondered, looking from the knife to the ingredients. He was worried that he would somehow screw things up and ruin their breakfast. After all, messing up seemed to be a habit of his. MafuMafu frowned and tried not to think too much as he started cutting one of the herbs. He was determined to do at least this correctly. Maybe I'm just thinking too hard about things, MafuMafu mentally said to reassure himself. Yeah, this isn't that hard. I'm sure I'll be able to do this easily! Though, just as he thought this, he felt a sharp pain in one of his fingers.

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