Chapter Seventeen

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Was there any way out of this? Soraru wasn't ready to make a decision yet, even though looking at MafuMafu told him what the answer should be. Soraru looked around nervously until his gaze landed on the kitchen. That's right, dinner! MafuMafu loved food, so this was the perfect distraction.

      "Oh, I just remembered! It's a lot later than usual since I was really busy at work, so I should go make dinner now," Soraru said quickly.

  He stood up and started toward the kitchen, when all of a sudden he felt a force pull him back. Soraru fell onto the couch with an oomph sound, and a weight placed itself on his stomach to keep him in place. Soraru looked up at MafuMafu confusedly, not understanding the suddenly serious expression on his face.

      "Soraru-san, you're avoiding me again. Why won't you just tell me what's wrong?" MafuMafu questioned.

      "It's really not such a big deal, okay?" Soraru replied.

      "But... seeing you look so troubled recently really bothers me. And you won't tell me anything, so I feel like I'm expected to figure it out on my own. That's not easy for me, you know," MafuMafu said quietly.

  Soraru wasn't sure what to say to this. MafuMafu looked so sad all of a sudden, like he was about to burst into tears. It was heartbreaking.

      "I-I don't want to keep bothering you like this, but I can't help it. You're the first person that's ever cared about me. Well, at least, I think you care..." MafuMafu's voice trembled then died off.

      "MafuMafu," Soraru started, reaching up to wipe away a tear that had started to fall.

  MafuMafu looked at him in that pitiful way. That hopelessly pathetic yet endearing way that reminded Soraru of the first time they met. Soraru took a moment to mentally prepare himself, trying not to look too nervous. Looks like he didn't get the luxury of time before making this decision. Though, looking at MafuMafu's saddened face told him that maybe he had waited too long to decide.

      "I'm sorry, MafuMafu. I thought this was only hard for me, but looks like it's been pretty hard for you too," Soraru apologized sincerely.

      "Huh...?" MafuMafu seemed confused, and for good reason too. He probably had no idea where this was going.

  Soraru smiled faintly. "The reason I haven't told you anything is because I wasn't sure what to say to you up until now. I've been trying to figure out how to put all of this into words ever since last night." Soraru propped himself up with his arms, his best attempt at sitting up with MafuMafu still sitting on his stomach. He took a deep breath, it was now or never. "MafuMafu, of course I care about you. In fact, I care about you more than anyone else. Do you want to know why?"

  MafuMafu nodded meekly. "O-Okay."

      "It's because I've fallen in love with you," Soraru continued. "Despite all the weird, unexplainable things about you, I'm completely in love with you. So much that it's honestly kind of scary. That's why I wasn't sure what to say, because you can't really put those kinds of feelings into words."

  MafuMafu seemed absolutely stunned, and his face was bright red. Soraru would've found the sight completely adorable, if he hadn't been so worried about how MafuMafu was going to respond.

      "U-Um, I'm not really familiar w-with these kinds of things, but..." MafuMafu started in a mumble, seemingly searching for the right words. "I th-think I love you too, Soraru-san. B-But, um, for clarification, c-can you give me an example of what love is?"

      "An example, huh?" Soraru muttered thoughtfully. "Well, I guess it's something like this...?"

  A bit embarrassed, Soraru brought MafuMafu's face closer until their lips met. It was a short, sweet kiss that left the two blushing and flustered, but it did the trick.

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