Chapter 11 | Leave Me Alone

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I sat up groggily, ignoring the ache in my head as I eyed my surroundings. I was alone on my bedroom floor with broken glass, an empty blue envelope and a black feather to keep me company.

My eyes widened in realization. Oh god, the feather.

I scrambled away from it as if it were on fire, and I swear, I almost forgot how to breathe for a second. There was no way I was going to touch that thing again.

I let myself fall down on my bed, the air suddenly returning to my lungs in a rush. I lay there, watching the rise and fall of my chest as I tried to recollect my thoughts. However, that was soon found to be impossible.

Something else clouded the thoughts in my head, causing them to spiral even more out of control.

Painful words scoffed at my lousy attempt at pushing them away to the back of my mind. It made me wonder how they popped into my head in the first place.

...don't wait for me...

That face... It burned in my mind, haunting me, clinging to my body like an old skin. This time, I didn't forget how to breathe. My breath ran away from me instead, trying to get away from the skin that was squeezing me so tightly, crushing my lungs.

No. No, Jack, don't do it. Don't think about platinum blonde hair and icy blue eyes. Don't do this to yourself. Don't let yourself -

...three years...not coming back...

Someone knocked softly on my door. I didn't answer it. I was too busy watching the old skin crush me to death.

The doorknob turned and Tooth cautiously stepped inside my room. Air rushed into my lungs so fast I almost coughed it back out again. Tooth's presence had scared the skin away.

"Hey, Jack."

I sat up, staring blankly at her. "Hi."

"You okay?"

She didn't sound angry at all. I couldn't even detect a hint of disappointment in her voice. And maybe I would have been relieved by this if it weren't for the steady stream of concern that was laced into her words. Oh, and the fact that my breath had almost ran out the door as soon as Tooth had opened it.

"I'm fine," I replied. But my hollow voice, suggested otherwise.

She frowned. "You sound upset," she murmured gently.

I stared at her blankly for a few seconds, then looked away. "I'm fine."

"No you're not."

"Because you would know better than anyone, right?"

Tooth sighed and sat down beside me. I continued to avoid her gaze.

"Jack, I know what happened between you and Elsa."

I sucked in my breath.

Don't think about her, Jack. Don't show weakness. Live in the now. MOVE ON.

....your voicemail...seventeen text...

"I was hoping you would tell the others," she continued. "I think they deserve to know."

"So you think that because you met them one time you suddenly know what they deserve?"

"I know you're not comfortable talking about it and I get it," she continued. "I mean, she lied to you and broke your heart-"

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