Chapter 2 - At the ZPD

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-Nick POV-

My alarm went off on my phone, startling me when I was sleeping. I groggily opened my eyes and checked my phone for any new messages. There was one from Judy, I read it. "after work I was thinking about going to the coffee shop, do you want to come with me?" I replied "sure thing! ;-)"... I didn't realize that it was so late! I jumped got out of bed, still being a little tired and quickly put on my ZPD uniform. I grabbed my phone, keys, and wallet and headed out the door. I went through the lobby and sped out the door, running to work.

I kept running, passing lots of other mammals going to do their daily jobs as well, until I was almost there, I was getting out of breath. I then stopped right before the entrance to walk in slowly, so it wouldn't look like I was in a rush. I walked in and Benjamin clawhouser was at the front desk, eating a doughnut as usual.

He waved to me "good morning nick! Nice to see you!" In an excited tone

I waved back and said "hey Ben!" I was still slightly panting...

I walked over to the front desk and we chatted for a minute. He told me all about the new gazelle album that just came out, (I have to admit, there were some pretty good songs) and also offered me a doughnut. I took a blueberry one, my favorite kind.

"It's getting kinda late, I better get to role call"

"ok" Ben said as I headed off.

I walked into the officer room and everyone was here, being loud as usual. Even Judy was here. I walked past everyone and hopped up beside her on the chair that we share (because they're made to seat an elephant) and she sighed at me.

"Nearly late again." As she turned her head towards me

"But I'm not late." I said with a smirk

"True, but nick you're like this every day you're going to be late one day and Bogo will give you parking duty for a month!"

"I've never been late" i told her sarcastically

She then playfully punched my arm and said "just be more careful ok? I don't want to lose my partner because he was 2 minutes late" she giggled and rolled her eyes.

"Ok, i swear I will never be late" i jokingly put my right paw in the air like I just surrendered. We both chuckled

Chief Bogo came in. "Listen up!" Everyone became quiet at this point. "There was a robbery last night in the zootopia art museum, we believe it was a raccoon, from the ZEO, the zootopia eleuth organization, the worst group of criminals teamed up in zootopia." We all sat in silence "Officers Delgato, McHorn, Wolford. Go to the museum to check out the case" he gave them a Manila folder with some information in it. "Fengmeyer, Grizzoli, Snarlof; Go to Sahara square"... "Hopps, Wilde; parking duty" we both frowned, no one in the ZPD liked having parking duty. We all walked out to do our jobs for the day.

"At least we don't have much going on today?" I said

"Yeah, but parking duty is so boring"

We took the cop car and I drove to one of the busiest shopping districts in Zootopia. When we arrived, it wasn't that crowded. It was a work day for most mammals.

"It's not even busy here, there's nothing going on" I parked by an intersection.

After a few moments of silence, "Umm.." I mumbled


"Nothing.." it was all I managed to say. I was too scared to ask her if she liked me. It wasn't the time


"So what do you want to do?"

An instant after we heard a tiny bell, both of our ears perked up. It was a parking meter, the ticket expired.

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