Chapter 3 - Another Day

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-Nick POV-

My alarm went off, startling me. Another day of work.. Tuesday, the days that Judy and I get off early since we work overtime so much. Today I wasn't late so I took my time. I groggily hopped out of bed and changed into my ZPD uniform and then texted Judy.

"Do you want to meet at the coffee shop this morning? I need to talk." She replied almost instant,
"sure, I'll meet you there in about 10 minutes."

I took my time walking there, I couldn't stop thinking about that unknown number that texted me last night. the anticipation is just eating me.. I whipped out my phone and read the message throughly... It doesn't make any sense!! It's just a bunch of random numbers.

-Judy POV-

"I wonder what Nick wants to talk about. I'm a little bit worried for him, he looked stressed out last night when he was walking home" I started walking to the coffee shop that we always go to.
After a couple of minutes, I arrive to see Nick standing by the front door just looking at his phone.

"Hey Nick, what do you want to talk about?" I said to him, he hesitated

"Um, this unknown number texted me last night, it's just a bunch of random numbers?"
He gave his phone to me to read it. "090 111 111 116 111 112 105 097 032 084 114 097 100 101 032 067 101 110 116 101 114" I got confused

"This doesn't make any sense!"

"I know, they've texted me before. That one was just numbers too, I just don't know what it means" he replied

"We should take it to the ZPD, someone will probably know what it is."

" I sure hope so".. "Anyway, do you want to get a coffee?"

"Sure I guess, we still have 20 minutes before role call"

We stood in line to get out coffees. I looked up at Nick and he was just sitting there, staring at the floor, biting his claws, they were sticking out, more than usual... Like, he was mad. I feel worried about him.

"Nick what's the matter? You've seemed a little bit stressed."

"I don't know, it's just that, I used to be best friends with a guy that works for the ZEO, I...I used to work p-part time for them as well." He said, nervously

"You did?"

"Yeah, before they betrayed me. They thought I was trying to hold all of them back, so they kicked me out..b-but"

"But, what?" I questioned. I was getting concerned.

"...b-but that's not it.. They attacked me... and then they said that if they ever find me again, that they'll k-kill me..." He started to get on edge.

"Nick, it's ok. You'll be fine, no one will do anything to you" I put my paw on his, his claws still sticking out, they felt weird.. He flashed his best fake smile at me, but I knew he was under pressure, so I didn't ask anymore about it.

He just sat there and nodded his head at me, he was thinking heavily. I could tell by his facial expressions and the way he was looking around.

We then ordered our coffees and walked out, heading to the ZPD, it was about a 5 minute walk from the coffee shop.

As we walked in, we saw Benjamin Clawhouser at the front desk as cheery as always.. Well, I saw him. Nick was just staring at the floor and biting his claws again.

"Good morning Nick!" Clawhouser said, no response. Nick just walked right past him.

"Good morning Judy!" He exclaimed to me

"Good morning Ben!" I replied while waving to him.

I walked up to his desk, standing on my tippy toes to see over it. "What's wrong with Nick?" He asked, "well, he's a little stressed out today." Is all I replied with. He looked concerned, but didn't want to bug me about it.

"Oh, ok..... Judy would you like a doughnut?"

"I'm ok clawhouser, thanks though!"

I walked to the role call room where all of the officers were. Just as usual, they were being loud; talking, arm wrestling... Except Nick, he was just sitting in our chair, just looking down. I  passed everyone and hopped up beside him.

"Nick, I mean it. Nothing is going to happen to you, I promise"

"Thanks carrots" he mumbled.

-A lot more than friends-
-By Datfoxboi

Chief Bogo came in and everyone went silent. He stood at the front of the room with his podium. "You have to be on the lookout today for suspicious activity." "Wilde, Hopps, McHorn, Delgato: your assignment is to look for suspicious activity at the Zootopia Natural History Museum. He called other officers names, but I didn't really pay attention. He gave us the manila folder with some information.

There wasn't really any suspicious activity at the natural history museum, it was an easy day. We were about to leave the building because it was time we could check out. We drove the police vehicle back to the ZPD, while Delgato and McHorn wanted to stay a little bit. Nick and I were quiet in our way back to the station today, It was awkward; until I asked

"Hey Nick?"


"Are you scared to--"

"It's ok fluff, I know nothing is going to happen to me, sorry for not talking today" while clicking on the radio, putting on some music. we blasted it the rest of the way back to the station, singing our hearts out to Gazelles newest album.

We arrived at the station out of breath from singing so hard. We got out of the car and started walking home.

"Nick, I really want you to tell me the whole story about you and the ZEO."

"Ok, but can I tell you in private? This isn't really the place."

"Uh.. Ok I guess, we can go to my apartment!"

We started walking to my place, chatting as we walked home. We walked up the stairs to my apartment, and I got the key and unlocked my door.

"Ok" I babbled.

Nick just sat on my bed while I locked the door behind us

"Um, well how did this all start?" I asked, I wanted to know so much.

"Well... I had a best friend in grade school, his name was Connor.. We were best friends all through school, after we graduated we went our seperate ways, I became a conman and he became part of the ZEO.  It was a few years ago when I was a pawpsicle hustler when he came to visit me, but he wanted me to come to the ZRG, I obviously went because I trusted my best friend, but boy was i wrong. They wanted me to kill other mammals and rob banks, they wanted me to commit felonies with them. I said no because I didn't want to, so they tortured me.. They said if I didn't do what they wanted that they would kill me instead."

I was in shock. The way that nick has been treated by those people.. I just couldn't even find the words "uuh-"

*tzzzzzzzzz-tzzzzzzzz* both of our ears perk up and we glance at Nicks phone.

"Who is it?" I asked, curious to know who it was

Nick hesitated while he glanced at his phone for a second "it's chief Bogo."

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