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thirteen: 2:29pm

Dear Harmony,

slowly the paintbrush started to slip out of her fingers. and she let it fall to the floor with the paint still dripping off the canvas. she reminded herself that it was okay. she had survived another day.

she looked at her hands. her fingernails painted black, and went to the tub and soaked them in the tub. the water turned to the color of the paint she was using. and she reminded herself that it was okay because she had survived another day.

and slowly she stopped painting, until she even no longer took out the paintbrush. she was still content, happy even. she threw away her paintbrush, and cleaned up her canvas. for the last time in a while she reminded herself that it was okay, because she had survived another day.

my dear

can't you see
that one day
you won't
have to paint

everything will be fine
and you can put down
your paintbrush
because you'll be fine

and even though
i'm so far away
i'll always be there
right next to you

i'll come and see you one day

July 17, 2016

Letters From HarleyWhere stories live. Discover now