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twenty-five: 10:20 pm

Dear Delani,

i'm sorry if this is embarrassing
but i have something i need and
want to tell you so badly. you
see i kind of have this really big
crush on you.

and it's a little strange because
you really are my first girl crush
since i came out as bisexual to
the basketball team. i mean i've
always been attracted to girls...
but there's just something
different about this.

i want to  hold you when you're
sad, and i want to be there for
you when you need someone to
talk to late at night. i want to be
someone that makes you happy.

so yes, i want to be your best
friend. but i want to be more than
just your friend. i want to be there
for you in ways other people
cannot be.

and yesterday, when you were
crying after practice. i wanted
nothing more than to just hold
you in my arms and make you
know that everything would
eventually be okay.

because it killed me to see the
tears fall from your eyes. i love
it when i see you smile. it
really does make everyone
else smile.

but the thing is... i can't really
tell you. at least not in real life
anyways because then it would
just be awkward and strange,
and i wouldn't want that.

but i'm telling you, that if i can
ever get the chance to feel your
lips on mine, and cuddle close
with you while watching movies
i will take it in a heartbeat.

because Delani, i want to be there
for you. i want to make you happy
and always be by your side. and
it may not be love, but i'm telling
you i feel something.

i want to give you my heart, and
i know i might be crazy because
you might just be straight, and
not like me, but that's okay.

i've got this crush on you.

November 3, 2016

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