Pokemon School #1 ~ Pallet Town!

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Ash: Pikachu! We're almost home! Pallet town is just around the corner!

Pikachu: Pikaaaaa!!!

Ash has split ways with Cilan and Iris returning back to Pallet town while the other two companions decided to visit Johto so they could follow their dreams. Iris wanting to become a dragon master and Cilan becoming a connoisseur.

As Ash approached his house he noticed a large grey truck parked just outside his front door sending confused thoughts into his mind.

With Pikachu also determined to find out an answer to their question the pair charged towards their home questioning the presence of the moving truck. Bursting through the front door Ash called out to his mother in an exhausted voice.

Ash: Mum! I'm finally home!

Delia: Ash! What a surprise that you're home so soon!

Ignoring her positive greeting, Ash struck Delia with a tight hug long awaited by his mother.

Ash: I've missed you so much mum! However.... I failed to win the Unova league like I said I would.

Realising that he only managed to reach the top eight, Ash's face dropped in slight disappointment which Delia caught sight of quickly.

Delia: Dear, It doesn't matter if you won the league or only reached the top eight because I'll always be proud of what you have achieved.

Ash: Thank you mum... But I do have one question to ask.

Delia: I presume your question involves the truck outside?

Ash: Mhm. Why is it outside?

Delia: During your journey in Unova I had time to think about our future plans. It consisted of staying here in Kanto or starting fresh in another region, and that's when Professor Oak suggested the Kalos region.

Ash: The Kalos region?!... That also means we'll be leaving Pallet Town and Kanto as a whole.

Delia: Correct. I thought I would interpret the Professor's suggestion and decide on both of our behalves on moving to the Kalos region.

Ash: So when are we leaving ?

Delia: In two days time. It will be a tiring journey, but once we arrive at our new home I can safely say it would of been worth it

Ash: I hope so, but what will happen to my other Pokemon? Will they stay with Professor Oak?

Delia: Actually, each house established in Vaniville Town will also provide ten acres of land allowing plenty of room for your Pokemon to roam around.

Ash: That's a lot of space! And now we're able to experience a new region with all my other Pokemon.

Pikachu: Pika pi!

Ash: Pikachu you really are excited!

With the adrenaline rushing throughout his small yellow body, Pikachu couldn't contain his excitement resulting in Mr.Mime having to use Psychic to calm the furry electric mouse down. While Pikachu was slowly calming down in Mr.Mime's arms, Delia inspected her son's clothing and bag.

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