Pokemon School #35 ~ Viola And Pikachu, Discovering Secrets!

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It was 7:40 am on Monday and Pikachu was looking out the Pokemon center windows watching students slowly walk by.

He then laid down remembering that Ash wouldn't been walking past because he would currently be in Hoenn, but then Pikachu saw someone which excited him, he ran out of the Pokemon center and ran towards the person.

Pikachu: Pika pi!

The small group of people turned around to see Pikachu running to them.

Serena: Pikachu!

Pikachu: Pika!

Pikachu ran then jumped into Serena's arms and hugged her tightly by wrapping his short arms around Serena.

Serena: Awww Pikachu... How are you feel?

Serena smiled at Pikachu and in return Pikachu fist pumped the air showing he was slowly recovering.

Pikachu: Pika!

Shauna: Wait... Why isn't Pikachu with Ash?

Pikachu: Pika...

Pikachu then hid his face into Serena's chest so no one could see that Pikachu was upset.

Serena: To be honest I don't know exactly what happened, all I know is that Ash told me he found Pikachu extremely weak at his doorstep.

Shauna: Ohh... Poor Pikachu..

Gary: Hmmm... When was this?

Serena: Ash said he found him Saturday morning so maybe whatever happened to Pikachu happened Friday night or early hours on Saturday.

Gary: Anyway Pikachu get well soon buddy! Ash will be back from Hoenn very soon!

Shauna: That's right! Just get some rest in the mean time.

Serena: They're right Pikachu, make sure to get plenty of rest and I'll come to visit you at least one a day okay?

Pikachu: Pika!

Nurse Joy came running out of the Pokemon center extremely worried.

Nurse Joy: Oh thank god! Pikachu you're okay!

Pikachu still in Serena's arms, turned around to face Nurse Joy.

Pikachu: Pika?

Serena: He's safe! Don't worry!

Nurse Joy: Thank you so much! Pikachu needs a check up so when I went to the room where Pikachu is staying he was gone which got me frightened.

Pikachu: Pika...

Nurse Joy: You three must know this Pikachu then?

Serena: Yeah! In fact I'm in a relationship with Pikachu's trainer, so I know Pikachu quite well.

Gary: I live in the same house as Pikachu and his trainer.

Shauna: And I know Pikachu's trainer too!

Nurse Joy: You must be talking about Ash, right?

Serena: Yeah! He went away for a week to stay in Hoenn with Hau and the frontier brains.

Nurse Joy: Ash did inform me last night when him and Hau visited Pikachu, he explained that he was going away for a while and Viola said she would look after Pikachu.

Gary: Viola? Anyway why I can't me and Ash's mum look after Pikachu?

Nurse Joy: Well you live in Vaniville town right?

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