Pokemon School #171 ~ The Darkness Within!

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February 25th 2017 ~

Gary: Just a little farther, Pidgeot!

The elegant bird replied to Gary's comment with a soft chirp, then after a few seconds went by the Kantonian finally decided it was time, so he lightly tapped the side of Pidgeot's body with the side of his left foot indicating the large bird to begin circling above the expedition camp.

While Pidgeot glided continuously in a circle, Gary squinted his eyes to get the best view possible of the expedition camp.

Gary: Hmm... That's strange. I know we're high up, but I can't see anyone.... Either way we have to do this. Pidgeot! Slowly divert downwards towards the camp.

Pidgeot released a ghoulish cry, then proceeded to nosedive towards the ground forcing Gary to unexpectedly cling onto his Pokemon even tighter with his elbows since his hands were occupied with a bunch of Pokeballs.

While Pidgeot was gradually closing the distance between them and the ground, Gary checked to make sure the remaining Pokeballs were safely in his possession. With a firm confirmation that he was ready, Gary once again tapped the side of his left foot against Pidgeot's body and immediately the large bird Pokemon pulled its feet up just in time to avoid the ground.

Hovering just a few inches above the ground, Gary confidently jumped off Pidgeot and wasted no time in launching be rest of his Pokeballs in the air.

One by one the Pokeballs cracked open revealing Gary's Pokemon. First came Scizor followed by Blastoise, Arcanine, Umbreon and Nidoking.

Gary: Pidgeot! Stay here just in case this mission goes down south. Umbreon and Scizor, you check the outskirts of this camp for any hidden lookouts since you're able to move around sneakily. Blastoise, Nidoking and Arcanine you're with me. We're going straight into the center.

With Gary heading straight to the center with his powerhouse Pokemon, Umbreon too the right side of the camp while Scizor covered the left side of the camp leaving Pidgeot near the edge in a supporting role.


Watching from afar along the edges of the crater, Astrid's head his in her right hand as she couldn't believe what Gary was doing.

Astrid: This kid has no structured plan whatsoever. He hasn't used his brain once, but instead has only used that thick skull of his..... Argghh! I don't want to, but I'm going in. Skarmory, I need your support!

The blonde Ace Trainer quickly held out a Pokeball releasing a metal covered bird right before her very eyes.

Astrid: Skarmory. I need you to take me down to that expedition camp because I fear that some idiot is about to get himself killed...

Skarmory slowly hopped to the ledge of the crater and poked its head over the edge to take in the view of the camp. Shorty after Skarmory faced his trainer and nodded its small head in agreement, so without wasting any more time Astrid held her left hand up allowing Skarmory to clutch onto her wrist as the metal bird hovered above her.

Set to go, Skarmory carefully hitched a ride on the wing currents and glided towards the expedition camp with Astrid safely in the bird's clutches.


Enjoying his Saturday inside the Principal's office, Professor Sycamore was currently scanning through the student reports. He carefully scanned every word written absorbing the information provided about each student within Sycamore High. As Sycamore dug further into the report folder he happened to find Ash's report.

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