Pokemon School #148 ~ Litten The Stray Pokemon!

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January 15th 2017 ~

Ash and Marko had just finished their Sunday morning training and returned to Garcia's house. Leafa and Garcia were still asleep, so Marko insisted Ash stayed for breakfast. Once they prepared and made their breakfast they sat either end of the living room table.

Marko: I was informed about your victory yesterday.

Ash: Oh, Hala told you?

Marko: Oh no, a young lad called Ilima. I bumped into him while taking a stroll through Hau'oli City. He apologised for not watching where he was going and that he was in a rush to get home after battling a trainer and his Pikachu.

Ash: You presumed the trainer was me right?

Marko: Mhm, you are the only trainer I know who has a Pikachu.

Ash: I guess you're right there, but my victory yesterday wasn't the best of battles I've had.

Marko: Huh? What do you mean by that? You won right? You deserve a celebration for successfully beating your first Trial.

Ash: Say that to Hala... He was far from impressed. During the battle he noticed I wasn't focused enough and how I was only aiming to win.

Marko: I understand, Hala wanted to witness you sharing your strength with Pikachu. He wanted to see the two of you become one when forced into tight and touch situations.

Ash: I know... I couldn't stop thinking about winning my first trial. I slowly became hard headed and let Pikachu get seriously hurt.

Even though he had a bowl filled with milk and cereal, Ash could only sit and stare in the bowl stabbing each cornflake with his spoon as he thought about his battle with Hala.

Marko: You can't continue to blame yourself Ash. It was your first Trial and I'm sure Hala understood how excited you were to participate in one, but next time you take part in a serious event please consider being more responsible.

Ash: I guess...

Marko: Come on, finish your breakfast then we'll go fetch some fresh bread and fruit from the market in Hau'oli City.

Ash: Sure thing, and afterwards I'll head back to Professor Kukui's place since Pikachu and Rowlett are probably awake.

Marko: Good thinking, they're probably hungry, so the sooner you eat your cereal the sooner you'll get home.

While Ash slowly consumed the rest of his breakfast, Marko decided to wash up the used equipment which was used to make their food until the sound of something bashing against the front door filled the entire house in shock.

Marko: Ash! Get the door for me. I'm busy cleaning!

Ash: Alright!

Abandoning his cornflakes, Ash raced over to the front of the house swinging the door open only to discover Officer Jenny standing before him.

Officer Jenny: Ah! Professor Kukui said you would be here.

Ash: Officer Jenny?! What are you doing here?

Marko: Is there a problem Officer?

Marko stopped cleaning the plates once he heard a unknown voice at the door, so he intervened to make sure Ash stayed safe, but ever since Marko had awoken from his slumber he has been slowly adapting to his new way of life since back in his time period, Police Officers, Pokeballs and television hasn't even been invented yet. So when he found Officer Jenny at the front door he made sure to stay calm and reply with quick and well structured answers.

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