Pokemon School #96 ~ Ash And Mallow, Planning For Sinnoh!

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It has been four months since everyone has moved into their dorms. Many things have happened such as Froakie evolving into Frogadier during a battle between Ash and Hau as the Alolian had to practice for his gym battle against Korrina which he sadly lost.

Serena has become more confident in herself within her performances for the showcase and coming up soon was the Sycamore High Showcase, but Clemont still needs many hours of practise.

Gary still attends to missions with Astrid and Alain collecting more mega stones for Steven Stone while Lillie has become more relaxed and comfortable as the girlfriend of Gary.

Mallow started cooking classes thanks to Hau's addiction to chocolate chip cookies and cheeseburgers.

Shota still looks up to Ash and occasionally asks for advice when it comes to strategies, but still recovering from the coma, Shota has been building up confidence to help others with Pokemon battles.

Tierno and Trevor carried on their dreams within Sycamore High with photography and dancing while Calem still holds a grudge against both Kantonians, but he has been very quiet around the group.

Miette alongside Serena try their best to become better at showcases within Aria's classes, but professor Sycamore has been researching more and more about 'Bond Phenomenon' for Ash.

With Ash on mind he was currently getting ready on a Saturday morning as he was preparing for a day out with Mallow as they prepare their trip to Sinnoh for the double battle tournament which begins in one months time.

*Start Of Ash's POV*

I slowly sat up from my night sleep and looked over at Serena who was still peacefully sleeping beside me. Ever since we've moved in to our own dorm she seems to be very happy sharing it with me even if I can be annoying. Oh well. I better get ready because Mallow expects me at her dorm in thirty minutes so we can plan our trip to Sinnoh which should be fun I hope.

Slowly pulling myself out of the bed, I made sure not to wake up Serena or Pikachu and Noibat who were also sleeping, but on the large bean bag besides the bed. I grabbed my towel from the closet and dragged myself to the bathroom where I relaxed in the nice warm shower.

After a five minute wash down I brushed my teeth, but it still felt weird getting ready in a different place than my mums place. Remembering the times when me and Pikachu would brush our teeth and he would end up with a toothpaste moustache running along the top of his lip, but nowadays school has been more hectic as ever as it has stopped me from collecting more badges for the mean time.

I gradually brushed my teeth and put on my normal Kalos outfit, but without the hat, gloves and jacket. I left Pikachu and Noibat behind as I didn't want to wake them up, but nothing bad should happen. Anyway! I have Frogadier, Fletchinder, Charizard and Sceptile with me still so I should be fine.

I was finally ready with my bag packed with important essentials, then I made my way to the door. I grabbed the doorknob with a firm grip and slowly pulled the door towards me trying my best so the door wouldn't make a loud creaking noise. Luckily I escaped from waking up Serena and getting a smack on the back of the  head, but I once I closed the door behind me, locked the door and took my first step into the empty hallway I was hit with a burst of cold wind which made me shiver.

It was freezing, but I only had a few minutes to make it down the hallway to where Mallow's dorm was so I ran as fast as I could before be moaned at for being late. Hoping I made it on time I gently knocked on the door remembering that Hau also shared the dorm with Mallow.

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