Pokemon School #61 ~ An Amour Day Out!

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Ash decided to stay in the hotel room and look after the Pokemon egg while Serena had fun with the Pokemon outside in the unexpected snow. He looked at the clock on the wall, It was 2:00 pm and Serena was still outside in the snow with the Pokemon, but all Ash could do was look after the Pokemon egg and talk to himself.

Ash: How is Serena still outside in the freezing cold.... I couldn't stay out there for that long! Oh well. I have to wait for her to come back before I can do anything else because of the Pokemon egg....

Ash wrapped the blankets tighter around the egg as the temperature was dropping every hour.

Ash: Where did the snow and such cold weather come from anyway! Yesterday it was really warm and sunny.

???: Excuse me? Is anyone in?

Ash jumped up from the bed in shock to hear a deep voice coming from the other side of the door.

Ash: Coming!

Ash covered the Pokemon egg with blankets so it stayed hidden and walked over to the door, he slowly opened it only to be met by a friendly familiar face.

Ash: Steven!

Steven: Hey Ash, mind if I come in for a second?

Ash: Uh.. Sure!

Ash let Steven into his hotel room and shut the door behind him. The Hoenn champion sat down at the dining room table.

Steven: This hotel room is massive don't you think?.

Ash: Sure is! I'm really grateful Steven! You managed to get us this room.

Ash spun around looking at the whole hotel room, it had a small kitchen in the far right corner, a spacious dining room with a medium sized oak table with six chairs placed around it. The bedroom was in the far left corner which was closed off by another door which Ash was thankful for as he didn't want Steven to find out about the Pokemon egg so soon.

Ash: Oh! I forgot! Me and Serena are sorry for not attending the grand re-opening for the aquarium yesterday.. I have a minor back injury, I still wanted to go, but Serena wouldn't let me and forced me to rest as she didn't want me to risk my back.

Ash sweat dropped and began to scratch his right cheek in embarrassment, but Steven wasn't mad at all for Ash and Serena pulling a no show, instead he just smiled at Ash's claims.

Steven: You do act rather funny in front of a champion don't you?

Ash: Huh?!... I guess I do, but It's just the perks of being Ash Ketchum right?..

Ash looked dumbfounded when he realised how we was talking to a champion.

Steven: It's what I like about you Ash, you're always energetic and bursting with energy, don't forget your confection for Pokemon too! It's impressive!

Ash: Like I always say to all my friends, family and Pokemon! Never give up till the very end!

Ash got so motivated while talking to Steven Stone the champion of Hoenn, he formed a fist in front of him which was filled with motivation and confidence.

Steven: You're still the same Ash I first met back in Dewford town, but more mature!

Ash: Mature? You really think that?..

Ash was shocked once he heard Steven call him mature, he never expected a champion to call him that, but Steven wasn't here to compliment him which the Kantonian knew.

Ash: Anyway! What did you want to talk about Steven?

Steven: Well as you couldn't attend the re-opening yesterday, I would like to give you these two updated tickets for a day out in the newly opened aquarium!

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