Pokemon School #78 ~ It's Not Mega, It's Synchro Time!

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After a busy Wednesday, Ash was once again up really early on the Thursday morning.

Ash: Morning Pikachu!

Pikachu: Pika?...

Ash was sat up in his bed as his buddy Pikachu slowly rubbed his eyes and was questioning why Ash was up so early for.

Ash: I'm going to head over to Sycamore's lab to see if hes found any research on that book Gary gave me!

Pikachu: Pika!

Ash: The semi-final second battle?... I guess I could miss out on it, but I'll make sure to watch the final and support Gary!

Pikachu: Pika!

Ash smiled at his buddy and got out of bed to have a shower just when Hau woke up.

Ash: Oh..Hey Hau!

Hau: Morning....Ash....What time is it?

Ash: Half five in the morning.

Hau: What?!...You're up this early?!

Ash: Of course I am Hau! I won't be watching the battle today because I'm heading off to Sycamore's lab!

Hau: His lab? But why?

Ash: Professor Sycamore took my ancestors book with him so he could research it.

Hau: How could I forget....But make sure to tell me if the professor has found anything new about Ash-Greninja!

Ash: I will don't worry!

Ash gave a slight smile then headed to the bathroom to have a shower while Hau went downstairs with Pikachu to have breakfast.

Hau: What would you like Pikachu?

Pikachu: Pika!

Pikachu pointed towards the cupboards showing Hau where to go. He walked over to the cupboard and opened it to find ingredients for pancakes.

Hau: Let me guess... You want pancakes don't you?

Pikachu: Pika!

Hau sighed then grabbed all the ingredients from the cupboard and began making the pancakes only to be met by a half asleep Gary standing at the bottom of the stairs.

Pikachu: Pika!

Hau: Oh! Morning Gary! I was just making pancakes for Pikachu, would you like some?

Gary: Ermm....Yeah, sure!

Hau: Are you feeling alright?

Gary: No...I barely got any sleep last night because I was too excited for the finals...

Hau: But the finals aren't until next Monday.

Gary: Whatever... Just made me some pancakes.

Hau lightly chuckled then carried on making pancakes for Gary and Pikachu just when Ash had finished in the shower and began to get dress then sort his school bag out.

Ash: Pen...Pencil...Rubber...Ruler...School books, mega stone and the key stone.

As Ash placed everything into his bag held the two stones in his hand and began to think.

Ash: I don't think I'll be using these anymore...Well not for now... But what do I do with them... I got these as a gift and it wouldn't be right if I just got rid of them...

Hau: Ash?!

Ash quickly turned around as Hau walked in with a plate of pancakes.

Ash: Hey Hau! You made breakfast?!

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