When Cassandra was learning to speak, she picked up a lot of her vocabulary from Jason, who was always talking. This lead to her repeating a lot of swears to Bruce or Alfred.
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When Bruce first found Cassandra, she was in desperate need of medical attention. So, he wrapped her in his cape and brought her straight to Alfred. She never gave the cape back, and he was okay with that, as long as it made her feel safe.
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Cassandra would never admit it, but when Jason quietly read to himself in the library, she would stand in the shadows and listen.
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Damian and Cassandra were always close, because they understood the guilt the other felt over the crimes they had committed.
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While Cassandra was struggling to learn reading, Bruce introduced her to Sign Language, which has always made more sense to her than verbal communication.
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Cassandra pronounces the words that Alfred teaches her with a slight British accent.
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Bruce attempted to send Cassandra to school, but he took her out after a week. The other kids picked on her because she couldn't speak, and he couldn't stand to see her come home crying.
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The first time someone picked on Cass for her inability to speak, Jason beat him up, but that ended up making Cassandra feel guilty that someone got hurt. After that, he waited until after she left to beat the kids up.
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When Bruce took Cassandra back after she was drugged by Slade Wilson, Jason helped her stay clean.
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Cassandra Cain Head Cannons
FanfictionJust some head cannons and occasional one-shots of Cassandra Cain.