My Psycho Life With Rockstars~Part38~

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My Psycho Life With Rockstars


"I frazzled your dad into saying what he said to you tonight" Seth saying and looking down sadly. My face falls and I go into shock "Excuse me? You did what?" I say in a shaky voice. "I had a reason really...don't take it personally Alice..but look at it like a vacation away from Kenny and Ryan...and that whole psycho mess with Adam" Seth saying in a soothing voice.

"WOAH WOAH!BACK UP PRETTY BOY! I AM NOT GOING ANYWHERE WITH YOU...IF SO WHAT MADE YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT TAKING ME WITH YOU? YOU HAVE SEVERLY LOST YOUR MIND. AND HOW IN THE HELL DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THAT SHITTY MESS?!" I scream at him. Maybe cause I'm in hysterics at the moment, Seth covers my mouth softly and gently shoves me up against the bark of the tree.

I use this chance to kick him in the balls but fail in the worst way possible, I watch him smirk and whisper in my ear "You know your kinda hott when your mad. I kinda like that" and nips on my ear softly. Caving at the turn on, but supressing a soft moan and try to shove him off but continue to fail at doing it.

'Where's a knight in shining armor when you need one?' I say in my head. I feel myself slip to the floor as my butt meets the mucky ground. I look around to see passing blurs, lookiing as though they are fighting. I take the opportunity to run as fast as I can into the mansion and I head straight towards Kenny's room.

Rushing into there and jumping on the bed Kenny's in and cling to him, trembling from fear and being cold. I feel him wake up and take me in a protective calm embrace, I shiver from the cold and watching as stares make there way in my direction. Knowing exactly what's to come.....CRASH!!! A loud noise making all of us jump, the noise coming from down stairs.



well look on the bright side.make me smile^^COMMENT!!!

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