2: I'm On My Way!

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Karma's POV:

I was startled awake by my annoying phone ringing at top volume. Great, it's probably the boss, I thought while groaning. Picking it up and answering it, I could feel the heat of the battery against my ear. "Hello?" I yawned groggily.

No answer from the other end. I check to make sure that it is in fact still on the line, and it is. Once again I place my phone against my ear and hear someone's voice this time.

"Heyyy, Karma!" A deep male voice finally answered. I thought for a moment. Asano? "...Karma?"

"Oh, Asano! Hey, what's up?" I rose up, stretching.

"Good to know you're not dead." I chuckled slightly. "Anyways, I was wondering if you wanted to come down and see me and some friends?"

"High school friends I'm presuming? Who are these 'friends' of yours?" I inquired.

"Hmm...? Oh! Um, well, O-Okuda of course. Down here is where the lab is located," I noticed that he stuttered while pronouncing her name. I shrug, then realizing that he mentioned that Okuda was down there. I sweat slightly, then after a few moments I begin to speak.

"Mmm I will talk to my boss about getting the week off to see you guys. I have tomorrow off so if he gives me a yes I will definitely come down." I speak a bit too fast, slightly nervous.

"Right, got it. See you then!" He concludes and hangs up. My eyes were alive and astir.

"I'm coming, Okuda..." I mutter to myself, determined, as I smiled and went to go get dressed for the day.



I violently strike my alarm, trying to turn it off. "WHY WON'T YOU JUST SHUT UP?!" I took the clock and threw it blindly somewhere across the room. It instantly stopped, but I could hear some of the parts inside just snap in half with the force.

Great, I have a broken alarm. Idiot, Karma, I mentally scold myself. I sat up, stretching. When I got out, I was a bit wobbly, but immediately regained my balance. All that training in 3-E really helped.

I quickly get dressed, then I'm confused why I'm motivated to hurry. Heading to the kitchen, I see a white slip of paper. I strode up to it to read it.

Name: Karma Akabane

Reason on relieve: Week Vacation

Why did I want a week's vacation for in the first place. I search my memory of yesterday, and remember the call. It was to see Asano... I thought. Who else was it?

Suddenly I remember the excitement from yesterday. "Okuda!" I grin. "I'd better pack so I'm not late..."

I head back to my room, taking a dusty red suitcase from my closet. I unzip it and grab a week's worth of stuff from my wooden drawers and stuff it in there. A toothbrush (and toothpaste), electronics, and a comb were also placed inside. If I forgot anything I can always ask Asano for stuff.

"I should be good, I just need to fill a cooler with snacks and drinks." I mentally note myself, then go back to the kitchen and do so.

Hauling everything outside, I placed the suitcase in the trunk and the cooler in the passenger's seat. All good and ready to get out of here.


I parked the car in front of Asano's house, hurried to get my suitcase out of the trunk, and then rushed to the front door of the house. Before I could even knock, Asano had already opened the door. He seemed just as psyched as I was.

"Karma! You finally made it!" He almost choked me in a bear hug. "Hey!" I didn't see anything super interesting, but I did see a small feminine figure farther down the hallway.

"Hey! So, is anyone else here?" I inquired, looking at Asano.

"Yeah. Hey, cOME ON OUT!" Asano shouts behind him, loud enough to where he could awaken the entire neighborhood. I heard tiny footsteps near us, and eventually a girl stood at Asano's side.

"H-h-hello m-mister..." That voice... yeah, it was definitely Okuda. She lifted her head and made eye contact with me, eyes widening. "KARMA-KUN!" She shouted as she leaped forward and continued to engulf me in a tiny but strong bear hug. If I didn't have this much strength, I would have been falling backwards with a broken tailbone.

"Hey, Okuda..."" I smiled lightly at her as she released me from death.

"Here let me take the-" As soon as she took the suitcase she gasped, regretting every mistake she has ever made ever. Fortunately for her, Asano took the suitcase from her grasp before she could snap her arm in half. We all headed inside, Okuda shutting the door and leading me to my room with Asano a bit ahead of her.

Okuda's POV:

Asano dropped off Karma's suitcase next to the empty guest closet. Turning around, I decided I would to get water, but I was met with Karma.

"Hiya Karma-kun, what's up?" I felt bubbly inside. I couldn't stop smiling, even if I were dead.

"Hey... I'm practically starving, where's the kitchen?" His stomach grumbled. I giggled at the noise, leading him into the kitchen. I grabbed a glass cup and managed to go through everything in the fridge before settling with a glass of plain old water. Taking a sip, my phone began to ring.

"I'm going to go take this, I'll be right back." I sat outside the front door and answered the call.

"Manami, Okuda? I'm sorry to interrupt your day, but one of your co-workers called in sick this morning and I'm going to need you to come in today." My boss told me. I exhaled sharply.

"Of course, I'll be there in twenty minutes." With that, I said goodbye and hung up. Once I got back inside, I slipped on my lab coat and re-braided my hair quickly before grabbing my keys and heading out.

"Wait, Okuda, where are you going?" Asano called out before I got out the front door.

"One of my co-workers called in sick and I have to go fill in for them. I'm so sorry! I'll be back later!" I waved goodbye, then got in my car, heading off to work.


With that we're done with chapter 2!! I'm okay with how it turned out I guess but not 100%... I think it could use some PIZAZZ as it's called xD anyway I don't know how long chapter 3 will be but get ready ^^

edited by ophiuchusonfire

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