6: Running Away

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"Where are you?!"

"Please, come back and tell us what's wrong!"

I ignored everyone and kept running until I reached an empty and unoccupied room. I slipped inside, sitting in the dark corner and keeping quiet.

I could still hear the pair outside, and they were beginning to get closer. My vision was clouding, and I couldn't see- the hallway lights vanished from view.

Trying to calm down, I take some deep breaths. Footsteps were drawing nearer.




"Could she be in here?" I distinctly heard Elizabeth right outside my door.

"Possibly. It's the only empty room and she wasn't in the bathroom." Karma replied hastily. My heart beat faster at the sound.




The door was forced open. I scooted under a table in hopes they wouldn't see me.

"Why are you under the table, Okuda?" Elizabeth's tone was soft but worried.

"I tried to h-hide..."

"Why? I was just trying to get to know your friend you go to work with every day." He furrowed his eyebrows ignorantly. Even still, I was drawn into his eyes, illuminated by the sterile lights of the laboratory.

Elizabeth looked at me, scanning me, looking for any bits on information. "We'll discuss this later, for now, I believe we have a bit of a mess to clean up in the main room."

I nodded, still shell shocked, but I moved fine and my breathing is normal. Soon, I was back laughing again when they teased me for my tiny footsteps.

"We wouldn't know if it was you or a mouse that came in because you are that quiet."

I could smell the aftermath of the potion on the floor from the hallway. I rushed forward and grabbed some rags, trying to absorb the liquid, but it proved to be a failure. It was mostly solid and we needed the Anti to fix this.

"Kar-Lizabeth! Get the Anti." I tried to say menacingly but only earned chuckles from her and Karma. "And Karma, what are you still doing here?! G-go home!"

"But I'm a guest and that's no way to treat a-"

"This could kill you. GooooOoo!" I shoo him off. "I'll see you in a few hours anyways!"

"Fine." He finally left, the doors swinging shut, after many desperate attempts to make him go since we didn't have enough proper equipment for the three of us to have. It could make you sick if you're exposed to it for too long.

As soon as he was gone and out of earshot, Elizabeth barraged me with questions.

"Is he your boyfriend?"

"How long have you known each other?"

"Is he going to your house?"

"Are you two interested in each other?"

I answered everything, the first and last questions being a flat but longing "no".


It was finally time to close off. It took us forever to clean up the spilt potion, but we had a spare in the cabinet which we did give to the boss. He stored it away and said the results would come soon.

I bid Elizabeth goodbye, but not before remembering earlier events. I was still angered by her actions of speaking to my future husband. I confronted her.

"Stay away." I ordered. "He's mine."

"What?" She looked overly perplexed. I knew what she was hiding in that weave.

"I... am great friends with K-Karma and you are to keep off!"

"Dude I had a three minute conversation with him," Elizabeth shrugged like it was nothing. "We didn't do anything intimate. Chill, please, and let me go home quietly without interruption."

"You've been warned." My normal quiet self came back and I peeped a goodbye, casually walking away from the lab.

I was set on my walk when I heard footsteps on pavement.

Clop, clop, clop

I turned, and there stood Karma.

"What was all about?" He inquired, puzzled.

"W-what was w-what?" My lie was obvious and Karma saw straight through it like I was transparent.

"I heard everything."


A/N: I'm sorry for my crap chapter and I know it was relatively short but I'm trying so much

Minnow didn't have an idea on what to do so I tried to write the chapter

Anyways, peace, love, and see ya next chapter!

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