♥The New Love Triangle♥

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It was a normal day in Paris, it was warm, sunny and the sky was clear and the two very famous heroes of Paris sat together side by side on the tip of the Eiffel Tower cuddling eachother, being happy to be alone with eachother...

Chat starred at Ladybug and smiled before kissing her cheek, in which Ladybug was too lazy to hit him or tell him off so she just smiled and rested her head on his shoulder....

"Uh...a-are you Ladybug a-and Chat Noir?" A quiet voice spoke...

Chat heard the voice...and so did Ladybug, they both looked down to see a girl with brown hair, with brown eyes, wearing a grey mask, and a grey super suit/ spandex, she had two ears - which seemed like wolf ears - and a tail too which also belonged to a wolf....could she be..a new super heroine?

Ladybug jumped down and inspected the girl, she was around their height but a bit shorter than Ladybug, she didnt seem violent so she couldn't be akumatized.... She looked very similar to Lila....but she wasn't anything like Lila, her voice was quiet, she doesn't seem very boastful....Ladybug fakely smiled, knowing she souldn't judge her yet...as they just met.

"Who are you? If i may ask" Ladybug raised an eyebrow.

"I'm uh...LoneWolf....b..but you can just call me Wolfie...." The girl quietly mumbled....feelig a bit intimidated by the suspicious ladybug infront of her...

"I see...I'm Ladybug..and this is Chat... Are you part of the team now?"

"Yeah I g-guess so... Nice to meet you Miss Ladybug and Mr Chat Noir..." Wolfie then munbled quieter....

"How'd you get your miraculous?" Chat asked smiling sweetly at her...

"Uh..this really old guy...Mr Fu-that was his name, was going home, and a big dog out of nowhere started to chase him...and I have a dog of my own and I know dogs..q-quite well, so the dog was for some reason annoyed bythe old man and chased him, wanting to attack him..."

"I see...so you stopped the dog?" Chat asked...

"I guess yeah... I got a ball and played fetch with the dog...wich allowed Mr Fu to run around a corner and hide..."

"Smart thinking..." Chat grinned..

And for some reason..when I got home..there was a mysterious box... I opened it and saw this... Wolfie took out a necklace and it had a wolf charm that looked as if it was howling....

"Hm..." Ladybug sighed

"So...what are your po-"

"LOOK OUT!" Wolfie yelled and jumped all of a sudden, she pulled out a staff - exactly like Chat Noir's only it was silver and blue.. A huge boulder was racing towards them at full speed...

"WOLFIE! NO!" Ladybug and Chat Noir screamed in unison as they heard a smash and a huge puff of dust surrounded them...

After the dust cleared off Ladybug and Chat looked at Wolfie with relief and shock, as there the boulder layed, in half and in the middle was Wolfie, standing and in her had, showed what seemed to be a huge blade on the staff - otherwise known as a scythe...

"Woah...." Chat looked at her with his glowing eyes...

"Her weapon....is so woah.." Ladybug said after..

The blade on the scythe was blue and the staff, or the body of the weapon was like Chat's staff however instead of the green, it was blue....

After Wolfie turned around, the scythe's blade disappeared and then a small glowing ball flew into the small paw print that was on her staff...

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