Chapter 4

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I woke up with s pounding headache. Ouch. Oh great, a hangover.....with a weird churning twist in my stomach. I couldn't help but run out of this unfamiliar bed and find the nearest bathroom in the building. I looked down, and realized I had no clothes on! Eek! Oh damn alcohol, I must of had drunk sex.

I sound like a slut now. I looked over at my left side and found a mop of brown curly hair. That's all I could get in detail with because I felt something coming up my throat. I quickly dashed into the bathroom and run straight for the toilet. I let my mouth flood over the toilet filling it with my digested food. Ew! Such an awful sight.

I felt my hair being pulled away from my face as I kept throwing up. Once I finished, I looked up to see the same person with the moppy curls. He had bright green eyes to go with them. The face looked awfully familiar but I couldn't exactly put my finger on it just yet.

''Are you alright love?'' He spoke. HIs voice was very raspy and low, yet quite sexy because he just woke up.

''Not really, must be a bug.'' I managed a smile smile. I slowly got up from the floor and excused myself for some privacy. I shut the door when he walked out and rinsed my mouth out. I tried walking back in the bedroom with a towel wrapped around me and searched for my clothes.

I saw my dress hanging on bedside table, one shoe on the windowsill with the other under the bed, along with my undergarments sprawled out over the floor. I cold feel my cheeks blush. I carefully walked over to pick all of them up minding the guy on the bed. I guess his name is Harry? Because I could remember slightly last name me screeching his name.


"Oh urm Milly? Before you go, I got something to give you...." The husky voice spoke.I gotta admit, he's quite hot.He took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it over to me.

" To keep in contact, by the way you were great last night." He winked at me with dimples.I guess he's a flirt. I didn't want to bother so much about last night so I ignored that fact and finished dressing up.

Before I opened out the door, I took one last glance at the guy on the bed flicking through his phone.

''Urm...thank you Harry about the whole bathroom thing.'' I mentioned quietly at the end. I saw a slight smirk creeping onto his face and his eyes darted towards mine.

''It's fine love, you probably caught some bug.'' He replied reassuring me. I nodded with a grin and waved him off with a bye. I'll remember to text him sometime. As I walked downstairs, I was passing by a very smelly hallway of alcohol, there were people lying across the floor all drunk, some in bedrooms which made out and all sorts of broken stuff around.

Becky's parents are definitely going to give her a shout/punishment. I finally made my way to the door and towards my car. Throughout the car ride I just replayed what happened last night, did Harry use protection? That was the one question which rang through my head the whole time.

I tried shaking it off now, since I reached my house. I got out, locked the car and made my way over to the door. I checked under the mat for a key and found one. I stepped inside and the scent of vanilla filled my nose, what a pleasant aroma than alcohol.

I made my way upstairs outside Lexi's door and gently knocked on it. I need some advice girl. Footsteps were coming closer to the door and she opened it with a small grin, she opened the door wider for me to enter.

''Well morning to you too sis.'' She sarcastically called out. I rolled my eyes and slumped down on her bed. I screamed into the pillow and looked back at my sister.Her eyebrows were knitted together telling me to speak out.

''Well basically, I need some advice on what to do, I'll tell you the story from the beginning.'' I told her, she nodded her head and gestured for me to continue.

''So last night I got drunk, met Harry, as in Harry Styles from One Direction. He flirted with me, we got even more drunk then he led me upstairs to a room and made out there. In the morning after I woke up, I started to get sick and threw up into the toilet. He helped me with that and reassured me it was probably a bug. But I'm just so confused on what to do, why did I throw up this morning?'' I told her all in one go. I recognized she wriggled her eyebrows when I mentioned we made out.

''I say, go to the drug store and buy three pregnancy tests. You don't know if the boy used protection do you?'' She asked. I shook my head. Wait, a pregnancy test?! Is she crazy. No way am I pregnant.

''No way am I pregnant! He may not of used protection, but I am sure I'm not pregnant.'' As soon as i finished off, the same churning twist in my stomach happened again and I ran right to the toilet and puked out.

I looked back up at Lexi with a smirk across her face. She had her arms folded in front of her with a 'I told you so' look at me.

''Fine, I'll take one.But can you go for me?'' I asked politely. She responded back with an OK.

~~~~~When Lexi arrives~~~~~~

I heard the front door open and shut. She's here, finally! Lexi came running upstairs with a bag in her hands and handed it over to me.I went over to the bathroom, took the stick out of the box and read the instructions carefully...So pee on a stick.

I did what I needed to do on the stick and turned them all over while setting the timer for 5 minutes. I could feel the tension in the room so I went out to Lexi. She gave me a sympathetic smile and rubbed my back soothingly.

Finally, the timer had rang. I walked slowly over to the bathroom and took in a deep breath of preparation. Then I slowly took out the three sticks and they all showed me the answer which would change my life forever.

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